Balance of Power: Balance and Bugfix Mod - Total War: Warhammer (2024)

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8 months ago

Oct 26, 2023, 3:53:40 PM

The purpose of this mod is to improve the balance of units, races, magic and abilities in battles, with a focus on competitive multiplayer (though the changes will also enhance the campaigns) and strives to retain and enhance the thematics of each of the factions. I have avoided simple cost changes like +- gold where possible as I believe these do little to fix problematic units and we can do much better. Simple gold cost changes usually only increase or decrease the quantity of a certain unit without actually addressing the units performance, so most of the changes do more than this, for example: reworking the unit entirely, such as throwing axe units (Dwarf Rangers and Marauder Hunters) becoming more of a shock infantry, changing a Lord's spellkit (such as swapping Kairos' regrowth for timewarp), upgrading a unit to a more elite one (Grail Knights, Blood Knights, Great Stags, Hawk Riders, Chaos Knights etc), fixing unit bugs that change their performance (Thunderbarge, Frost Wyrm etc) or stat changes to make unit better or worse in certain scenarios. many spells have been reworked as well, such as:Savage dominion having an overcast option which summons a ghorgon, chain lightning overcast is a magic missile etc.

The changes are thoroughly tested, reviewed and are used regulalry in tournament settings. Some of the changes made are based on the combined experiences of the multiplayer land battle community, with input coming from high level experienced players and some Total War forums discussion.

The mod contains many bug-fixes affecting battles and in custom battles it also incorporates (slightly modified) Fruit Rules unit caps used in competitive multiplayer tournaments, simplifying the rules for players. There are many hundreds of changes to units/abilities etc, some are very minor and some quite major. Despite the number of changes, the mod doesn't feel like a total overhaul mod like SFO and others but offers a more polished and optimised vanilla experience. With fewer "autopick" meta units, weaker healing spells and buffs to the forgotten units there are more viable build options and greater diversity in playstyles. The mod takes a more proactive and creative approach to balancing and is updated roughly once per month.


Full change notes are available on the ODM community discord or on my workshop
Balance of Power Steam Page

ODM Community Discord

Bug Fixes

those marked with [NOW RESOLVED] are bugs that were fixed in the mod that have now been fixed in the vanilla game

-Bloodwrack shrine: Fixed a bug that let all the riders fire medusa projectiles. [NOW RESOLVED]

-Cauldron of Blood: Fixed a bug that let the extra witch elf riders hit with full weapon strength which effectively tripled the unit’s damage output. [NOW RESOLVED]

-Cold One Chariots: hitbox no longer obstructs the draughts from attacking in forward arc.[NOW RESOLVED]

-Arkhan the Black: Chariot mount can now attack.

-Daemons curse (Malus Darkblade): now does direct damage to himself, as it says in ability description.

-Fire mage (Sun Dragon): fixed missing missile resistance.

-Fiery Rebirth: fixed a bug that caused the Arcane Phoenix to heal 75% instead of 25%.

-Orion: fixed his missing animations that stopped him from firing while moving [PARTIALLY FIXED/ ONGOING XD]

-Noble chariot: fixed swapped AP ratio.

-Oxyotl: master predator no longer freezes cooldown for other abilities.

-Lion Chariots: fixed missing rider attack animations.[NOW RESOLVED]

-Seafang now has a cast indicator to allow the players to see where it's aimed.

-Daemon Prince is now included in Rare SE caps.

-Orion and Ariel: fixed a bug that caused them to take terrain penalties in shallow water, despite being large entities.

-Glade Lords (Eagles+Dragons): Fixed a bug that stopped them from firing backwards while moving.

-Phoenix/Hell Pit rebirth miscast explosion no longer affects allies.

-Ruination of cities: will now correctly launch randomly instead of all three vortices launching in the same direction.

-Gorebeast chariot mounts now have collision attacks like other chariots.[NOW RESOLVED]

-War Wagons (Mortars and Black Lions): Fixed a bug that made them slower than the speed displayed on their unit cards.

-Azhag can now bring his unique items on Skullmuncha’.[NOW RESOLVED]

-Von Carstein lord on zombie dragon can now take the ‘Charmed shield’ item.

-Gotrek’s heroic fortitude ability now works.

-Malagor can no longer capture domination points.

-Thorek’s ‘Locus of Power’ no longer affects non-wizards, and only affects wizards casting spells (not abilities)

-Wood Elf spellweavers now have the correct elven steed mount description

-Undivided furies now count towards flying caps.

-Exalted heroes (chariots) now count towards hero caps.

-Razorgor Herd removed from the Razorgor chariot unit cap.

-Cold One chariots are now included in 360° missile caps.

-High Elf Princess, Alith Anar and Handmaidens are now included in 360° missile caps

-War Hydra’s “Another one takes it place” and Tyrions “Heart of Avelorn'' have been fixed so that they don't receive more healing than they are supposed to.

-Doomwheel has fixed collision attacks, meaning it works better as a chariot

-Sibilant Slaughtercade (ROR chaos chariot):Fixed a bug that made it the same speed as regular chaos chariots; it now has 100 speed.

-Teef-Robbas: Fixed a bug that made it the same speed as regular wolf chariots; it now has 110 speed.

-Devolve: Can no longer be cast on the ground

-Drazhoath now has ‘Infernal Engineer’ ability on foot

-Hashut’s Dark Ravagers are no longer included in the 360 degree missile caps

-Hellbound passive on daemon engines is now included by default.[NOW RESOLVED]

-Skin wolf were-kin cap is fixed from 3 to 2

-Skaven chieftain (Bonebreaker mount): fixed balance of power bug that gave it only 100CP. It now has1000CP

-Supply train: Now has ammo

-Be'lakor: Lord of Torment ability now increases in intensity properly [NOW RESOLVED]

-Cathayan artillery crews are no longer invulnerable to AOE magic such as pit of shades

-Orc warboss no longer counts towards the unit cap for chariots

-Improved Frost Wyrm hitbox size [NOW RESOLVED]

-Added Tzaangors and Pestigors unit caps (5 max and counts as tzeentch marked unit)

-Fixed Thunderbarge balloon hitbox [NOW RESOLVED]

General Unit Mechanics/Attributes

-Charge reflection damage multiplier: 2→1.5

-Forest stalker: removed MD buffs, now gives speed and charge buffs

-Devastating flanker: 2→1.5

-Collision damage AP ratio: 0.7→0.75

-Collision damage cap raised from 70 to 140

-Barrier replenishment (delay/rate): 30/20 →15/10

-Wounds: increased initial recharge time from 5 to 20 seconds

-General encourage aura: 3→6LD

-Unit encourage aura: 8→4LD

-SE unit-size stat-scaling (large): WS and MS (0.75→1)

-Formation attack: MD bonus reduced from +9 →0

-Undead crumbling damage increased

-Demonic crumbling damage decreased

-Most Healing effects nerfed between 20-50%

-Crossbow units have ~15% increase to projectile speed (Empire, Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Cathay)

-Fatigue now affects attack and defence equally (exhaustion now has a -20% penalty to both, instead of -10%MD, -30% MA).

-the ongoing powercreep of cavalry speeds has been reigned in

Unit Caps

Incorporates unit caps in line with the latest edition of Fruit rules used in multiplayer tournaments in custom lobbies (with unit caps ON)

Updated a month ago.

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Balance of Power: Balance and Bugfix Mod - Total War: Warhammer (6)



- Bastilean


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8 months ago

Oct 27, 2023, 2:43:58 AM

Charge Reflection is predicated by a unit staying in formation and bracing which drastically reduces it's damage. You have to run into it to take the damage. The damage is low. There is no valid reason to nerf it.

Forest Stalker: good I guess. Did you remove the ridiculous accuracy buff? Do you address Forest Strider here as well?

-SE unit-size stat-scaling (large): WS and MS (0.75→1) What does this indicate for Ultra, Medium and Small?

Formation Attack needs to do something. I think +50% mass stat buff could replace the +9 MD stat buff.

Just crossbows need help? Not guns, bows, javelins, throwing stars, throwing axes, or blow pipes? Forgive me if I missed a projectile to add to the list. What is special about Crossbows?

Attack has a invisible base bonus of +35. I am fine with MA and MD being effected equally by fatigue, and even invite it. When MA and MD fatigue is the same it favors things dying which I approve of, but I wanted to point out why CA may have chosen the original values.

I welcome these changes with the caveat that I have not reviewed the spell changes, and I have made the comments above.

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8 months ago

Oct 27, 2023, 9:26:21 PM

Bastilean#7242 wrote:

Charge Reflection is predicated by a unit staying in formation and bracing which drastically reduces it's damage. You have to run into it to take the damage. The damage is low. There is no valid reason to nerf it.

Forest Stalker: good I guess. Did you remove the ridiculous accuracy buff? Do you address Forest Strider here as well?

-SE unit-size stat-scaling (large): WS and MS (0.75→1) What does this indicate for Ultra, Medium and Small?

Formation Attack needs to do something. I think +50% mass stat buff could replace the +9 MD stat buff.

Just crossbows need help? Not guns, bows, javelins, throwing stars, throwing axes, or blow pipes? Forgive me if I missed a projectile to add to the list. What is special about Crossbows?

Attack has a invisible base bonus of +35. I am fine with MA and MD being effected equally by fatigue, and even invite it. When MA and MD fatigue is the same it favors things dying which I approve of, but I wanted to point out why CA may have chosen the original values.

I welcome these changes with the caveat that I have not reviewed the spell changes, and I have made the comments above.

you are incorrect about charge reflection, in infantry vs infantry fights it has a huge impact on the outcome, e.g. braced spears will beat units like dryads because they maintain their braced status for a very long time and so keep the extra damage

formation attack does do something, it keeps them in formation. im sick and tired of "formations" that act a stat buff, example when i made my phalanx formation i didnt add a milliion different stats to it, but changed how the unit behaves. thats all formation attack should be

i mentioned crossbows specifically as they should be systematically shifted to a sort of middle ground between bows and guns, of course i looked at every missile in the game (read the patch notes)

Updated 7 months ago.

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Balance of Power: Balance and Bugfix Mod - Total War: Warhammer (16)



- Bastilean


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7 months ago

Oct 28, 2023, 2:00:43 AM

Did CA ever make any changes to Charge Reflection? It's supposed to last 7 seconds from when the charge occurred. It probably should have a cool down that requires out of melee of 10 seconds, because being in melee means you aren't braced any longer.

Maybe reduce the duration from 7 seconds to 6 or even 5 seconds, but it's supposed to be immediately impactful (pun intended).

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7 months ago

Oct 28, 2023, 3:02:38 AM

Bastilean#7242 wrote:

Did CA ever make any changes to Charge Reflection? It's supposed to last 7 seconds from when the charge occurred. It probably should have a cool down that requires out of melee of 10 seconds, because being in melee means you aren't braced any longer.

Maybe reduce the duration from 7 seconds to 6 or even 5 seconds, but it's supposed to be immediately impactful (pun intended).

i think its supposed to be even less than that, but i something isnt working properly. ive seen units remain braced much longer than they should in melee and units with charge reflect are performing way better than they should in infantry vs infantry fightsBalance of Power: Balance and Bugfix Mod - Total War: Warhammer (26)

this is the moment of impact, units are braced. i did 1 in max width, one in square and one in between to see how the units bracing changes

Balance of Power: Balance and Bugfix Mod - Total War: Warhammer (27)

this is the same fight over 3 minutes later, all units are still braced

Updated 7 months ago.

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7 months ago

Oct 28, 2023, 3:22:17 AM

another test, 2 silverin guard vs 2 GW warriors, 1 braces for the charge, the other countercharges. you see how much more damage the braced one deals over the duration of the fight. its unnatural

Balance of Power: Balance and Bugfix Mod - Total War: Warhammer (33)

the charging silverin

Balance of Power: Balance and Bugfix Mod - Total War: Warhammer (34)

the braced silverin

if you test this in vanilla its even worse. i will make a proper post about this issue when i can

Updated 7 months ago.

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7 months ago

Oct 28, 2023, 4:33:30 AM

Bracing and charge reflection are entity based not unit based (as is charging) so the activation is going to be longer than the 7 seconds implies. For units with very low CB like spears double damage will add for more damage than the increased attacks caused by charging given the minimal accuracy difference.

I personally don't see the extra damage into infantry as a problem given the buffs to many other offensive infantry but it does provide a significant boon to damage.

Edit: For Silvirin the expert charge defense also keeps more entities alive to make attacks with boosted damage further increasing the value of charge reflection. Feels thematic that spears should want to receive charges rather than charge imo

Updated 7 months ago.

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7 months ago

Oct 28, 2023, 3:57:26 PM

Spellbound1875#4610 wrote:

Bracing and charge reflection are entity based not unit based (as is charging) so the activation is going to be longer than the 7 seconds implies. For units with very low CB like spears double damage will add for more damage than the increased attacks caused by charging given the minimal accuracy difference.

I personally don't see the extra damage into infantry as a problem given the buffs to many other offensive infantry but it does provide a significant boon to damage.

Edit: For Silvirin the expert charge defense also keeps more entities alive to make attacks with boosted damage further increasing the value of charge reflection. Feels thematic that spears should want to receive charges rather than charge imo

when spearmen are beating dryads and the like, silverin beating chaos warriors GW etc id say we have a serious problem. yes spears/halberds should like to receive charges but conversely, GW should like to charge and they currently just get outmatched by spear units in their tier. theres a middle ground where spears dont destroy GW but still can take a charge well.

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4 months ago

Feb 13, 2024, 1:26:43 PM

February Patch (will be another for 4.2). main feature: Kairos doesnt have regrowth anymore, its been replaced with bironas timewarp!

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3 months ago

Feb 28, 2024, 11:43:47 AM

February 4.2

Executioner: threshold increased to 15%

Added the stupidity rule for trolls, cold ones and Sigvald:

Stupidity: Below 25%HP, units will have ITP and will Rampage for 40s

Fire damage now stops all healing

Primal Instincts lasts 40s with 1 use


Temple guard: lost silver shields

Solar engine: gives +5MA instead of vigour

Cold one cavalry: stat buffs and cost adjustments and changes to primal instincts, and they have stupidity

Slann Priests: -500HP

Primal Instincts rework


Moonbird: +AP

Onyx Crowmen: -50g

Empress Crowmen: Nan Gau Grenades +1 projectile, -1 use

Saytang: reduced reload speed and calibration distance, reduced wind-bow scaling damage from x4 to x1.5 and -50AP, watcher ability lasts 20s and has 250m range and has to pay 150g for the ability


Lore of Hags:

Vengeance of spirits: changed from being a SE focussed damage spell to being good vs units with lots of models

Upgraded: increases magic reserves

Malediction of Madness: -4WOM

Cursed Cauldron: -2WOM

Streltsi: -5m range

Little Grom: -50BvL

Winged Lancers and Gryphon Legion: -100 mass

War Bear Riders: +200 mass

Frost wyrm: collision attacks, +35BvL,+magical attacks, entity radius reduced from 10 to 5, in line with other similar monsters, +2000 mass, +11MD, +5 Charge

Golden knight: +AP

Katarin Sled: -5 speed, increased entity size

Incarnate Elemental: Armoured reduced to 15, +frenzy, +2MA

Oath Brothers: Call of Tor ability now has Armour Sundering instead of Blinded contact effect


Bringers of Beguilement: +16bvi

All army ability durations increased to 18 seconds

Sweet Sorrow is mapwide again, with buffs halved

Sigvald is stupid


Mutalith +1kHP

Arcane Charge Passive: WOM requirement was reduced from 100 to 50 (Affects gors and centigors) and has +5MA

Chaos Lord of Tzeentch: increased number of projectiles for sentient storm ability

Book of Secrets: -50g, Fire phase imbues +40% fire weakness and -40% speed

Golden Eye of Tzeentch: +35m AOE

Centigors of Tzeentch: -50g, +2MA

Burning Chariot: +100g, increased range and ammo to match exalted flamers

Knights of Immolation: +150g, +22BvL, AP swap


Arcane phoenix is now Elemental, -10LD

Lions: +50g, +wounded pride

Rahagra’s Pride: -10Bvi, +10BvL

Lion chariots: +wounded pride

Griffons: +10 speed

Flamespyre Phoenix: Wake of Fire looks much better

Dread spears: -50

Bleakswords: +2MA

Witchelves : +50g

Sisters of slaughter: +8BvL, -2MA to trial of blades

Blades of the blood queen: +ITP

Cold One Cavalry: added stupidity rule, primal instincts is now only a 1 use passive ability lasting 40s and no longer gives physical resistance, stat buffs to compensate

Doomfire Warlocks: +1AP, -10 armour, +10% physical resistance, +5 charge

Slaanesh’s Harvesters: +fear, +8 Bvi

Master: +Banner of Eternal Flame item

Malekith: -5% physical resistance on seraphon (now has 10%). Circlet of Iron now has +10% spell mastery, Destroyer swaps +cooldown for the new silence effect


Flensing ruin: max damage/sec reduced from 100 to 78, duration increased from 24/38 to 26/39, cost reduced from 14 to 13

Eshin characters: +15% missile resist

Fluid injection: buffs increased to +40MA, +50%WS, +25% speed and charge speed


The Flock of Djaf added


Hellcannon homing fixed


Hippogryph Knights: -perfect vigour, -magical attacks, +encourage


Forgefire imbues flaming attack on allies

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a month ago

May 3, 2024, 9:44:44 PM



Thunderbarge: Can now land, when landed it can not move. Nerfs to firepower, survivability and manoeuvrability:

Survivability: -30 armour, -2000HP, -15% missile resistance, hitbox is more reliable and fits the shape of the model better.

Firepower:Secondary missile weapons (Cannons, Blasting charges and Grudgerakers) now have finite ammunition (100). Bomb ammunition was reduced from 140 → 50. Grudgeraker damage per shot reduced from 32x3 → 16x3. Spear of Grungni ability -500AP, -250BvL and has a minimum range of 100m

Manoeuvrability: Thunderburner: Damage per second doubled, now reduces turn-speed by 50% and has a 45s cooldown between uses.

Makaisson’s Persuader: -50m range, -30s cooldown, unit must be grounded to be targeted

Gyrocopters (Steam gun) -25m range, doesn't count as artillery, ammo halved from 40 to 20

Gyrocopters (Brimstone guns): +4AP ,+1 explosion radius, doesn't count as artillery, ammo increased from 9 to 20

Doomseekers : -1 splash, +10WS, +28HP, +50g

Goblin Hewer: +shieldbreaker

Giant Slayers: +100g, -20WS

Thunderers (grudge-rakers): -50g

Grimdelvers: +1AP, +100g, +Hide (forest), removed stalk

Skyhammer: Renamed to Skyhammers

Dragonslayer: +200g, -10% fire resistance, -5MD

Daemonslayer: +100g, Glorious death +150g (was free)

Garagrim: +100g


Elspeth: Breath Damage halved, projectile speed reduced from 300 to 200, +15m range, reduced accuracy, removed flaming attacks, +1m explosion radius

Knights of the Black Rose: -10HP, -8MD, +20 Charge, +4AP/-4BD, +2Bvi, +Glorious charge, +100g, and they have decided to use a more manly and knightly weapon

Steam tank:Increased melee CP values to match their melee prowess.Fixed a small bug where the commander on top with a pistol was using the steam tank’s primary ammo, making it run out faster.Steam gun doesn’t count as artillery (doesn’t apply artillery debuff)

Master Engineer: 50-150g cost reduction depending on mount

Engineer: missile damage nerf (currently has same damage as steam tank volley gun but with 5 penetration instead of 2).+50g,-10 ammo,-4 penetration (same as Hochland long rifles),-20 AP,Mercurial shot penetration reduced

Mechanical steed: +6 speed, +10 armour, -50g

Theodor Bruckner:Baleflame amulet: damage over time halved, vortex damage halved, +flaming damage,Stormlance: has unlimited uses

Hochland Long Rifles: +50g, +1s reload

Longrifles ROR: -Shieldbreaker

Landship: Secondary ammo is no longer infinite (reduced to 25), -2000HP, Culverin damage reduced by 30AP/25BD, -40m range, “Full Power” Speed buff reduced to +50%, turn speed debuff reduced to -50%. Added the "wounds" passive ability

Zintler’s Reiksguard: +150g, +16BvL, +Guardian


Tamurkhan: Feast of the Maggot Lord: now has 15m range, HP/s decreased from 2.4% to 2%, duration doubled from 7 to 14 seconds (total damage is slightly lower). While active, neither Tamurkan nor the target will be able to move.

Nurgle characters on Rot Beast: +Regeneration

Toad dragon: +collision attacks, -200g

Bile trolls: +stupidity

Epidemius: +1 use of Tallyman's blades

Plague Ogres: +8MD, -100g

Pestigors: +100g, -4 charge, +3MA,+5MD, -10% missile resist, tears of nurgle speed debuff reduced to 25%, does not spread

Angels of Decay: +14 charge, -3MA, +6BD/+3AP, fixed explosion damage and shrapnel, +200g

Noxbringer: improved accuracy, +20 Charge

Necrotic phylactery: +40% spell resist, +20m spread range

Kugath: +10 minimum range, so he can’t shoot at point blank range in duels.Nurgling Infestation: Healing reduced from 0.2% to 0.1%

Rancid visitations: +9 second cooldown, -20% duration (-2 WoM for normal cast)

Army Abilities: Charges twice as quickly


Exorcism (Lore of Light passive): Now debuffs enemy daemonic units with - 1% vigour and -8Ld and removes fear

Shield breaker effect: -6MD

SE Missile damage scaling down a bit for large (melee stays the same)

Dwellers below: -5 projectiles, main vortex damage increased from 1→2, spawned vortex damage reduced from 3→2, -2 WOM

Dwellers below (upgraded): spawned vortex damage reduced from 3→2, +2 WOM

Corrected the text of the directional missile block attribute

Skink Cohort (Javelins): -25g

Red Crested Skinks: -25g

​Final transmutation: fixed a bug that made it do 4 times less damage on average than it should

Piercing bolts of burning: -1s windup time​

Withering Upgraded: Has additional Leadership effect


Elven bolt throwers: can run, more speed

Elven melee infantry has slightly more base speed

Eltharion: Number of Mistwalker barrage projectiles reduced from 50 to 25

Sisters of Twilight:Talon of Dusk (shotgun) homing reduced and shrapnel explodes earlier and spreads over a wider arc making it less effective vs large SE.Conjoined destiny limited to 1 use.Ammunition now displays in a more understandable way

Wildwood Rangers: Guardians of the wildwoodpassive now activates when terror causing enemy units are close instead of large units

Flamespyre and Arcane Phoenix: +15% fire resistance

Great Stag knights: +20% shield, -20 armour

Knights of the Ebon claw: +100 mass


Crane gunners: -shieldbreaker

Winged Lancers: -100g

Gate Master: Bolt Storm ability has homing, limited to 3 uses


Jezzails: -shieldbreaker

Khorne marauders: +25g

Gorherd: -50g

Marauder hunters (Axes): +10CB, 11HP, 10LD, +4MD, -10 ammo, +2MA, +6AP/+2 base missile damage, +2AP/+2BD, +5bvi

Marauder Horsem*n (Throwing Axes) of Norsca, Chaos and Nurgle: +6AP/+2 missile damage, +shieldbreaker, -8 ammo,+6 charge, +6MA, +3BD/+3AP

Marauder Horsem*n of Khorne: +6AP missile, +shieldbreaker, -8 ammo,+6charge, +6MA,+3Bvi, +flaming attacks (axes are on fire)

Soporific musk: Additional -1MA and -1MD

Phantasmagoria: now silences and adds cooldown instead of dealing damage, Upgraded version has an additional Leadership effect

Slicing Shards: -1s windup time

Hysterical Frenzy: +25% speed

Scaly skin (15% missile resistance) for Khornate lesser demons (bloodletters, flesh hounds and bloodcrushers)

Bloodletters now have 42 speed

Leadership buffs to daemonic units reverted


Krell is playable with unitcaps, but Kemmler counts for the Krell unit cap so you can't take both

Krell summon is equipped by default

Carstein Ring: Can Only be used when below 20% HP, gives +2% HP/second,40% wardsave and ignores contact effects, and cannot die

Updated a month ago.

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Daemon Prince Storm Dragon


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a month ago

May 3, 2024, 9:57:28 PM

I would add that for high elves (or the majority of spellcasters of any races) it would be interesting to see the same new talents as for the mages of the Empire. Because this makes human mages better mages than elves, if only in terms of the reduction of spells which can easily be combined with 2 high level talents.

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a month ago

May 3, 2024, 9:59:58 PM

kyle18#8779 wrote:

I would add that for high elves (or the majority of spellcasters of any races) it would be interesting to see the same new talents as for the mages of the Empire. Because this makes human mages better mages than elves, if only in terms of the reduction of spells which can easily be combined with 2 high level talents.

Not sure what you mean. If this is about tech and skill trees you should know the mod is focussed on the battles side of the game not the campaign map

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a month ago

May 3, 2024, 10:20:33 PM

Loupi#8512 wrote:
kyle18#8779 wrote:

I would add that for high elves (or the majority of spellcasters of any races) it would be interesting to see the same new talents as for the mages of the Empire. Because this makes human mages better mages than elves, if only in terms of the reduction of spells which can easily be combined with 2 high level talents.

Not sure what you mean. If this is about tech and skill trees you should know the mod is focussed on the battles side of the game not the campaign map

Oh, my bad. Yes, I was actually talking about skill trees linked to campaigns.

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a month ago

May 3, 2024, 10:40:02 PM

ok i see, usually i only change skill trees if i have done something to the base unit/lord/ability that makes the skill redundant

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a month ago

May 6, 2024, 3:03:24 PM

Edit:added a few other changes and fixes

Final transmutation: fixed a bug that made it do 4 times less damage on average than it should

Piercing bolts of burning: -1s windup time

Soporific musk contact effect: Additional -1MA and -1MD

Phantasmagoria: now silences and adds cooldown instead of dealing damage, Upgraded version has an additional Leadership effect

Hysterical Frenzy: +25% speed

Withering Upgraded: Has additional Leadership effect

Slicing Shards: -1s windup time

Updated a month ago.

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a month ago

May 14, 2024, 7:36:35 PM

Glad to see a bunch of the 5.0 changes appear in the hotfix, pretty good stuff. Hopefully we can get soulgrinder and medusa to lose their homing

Hotfix 1

SoulGrinder of Tzeentch: removed homing, double projectile speed

Furies: -10LD

Slaanesh marauder horsem*n: +poison missiles instead of magic

Hotfix 2 - 21/05

Steam Tanks: -10 ammo, -10% missile block chance

ST (volley gun): range reduced to 200, damage per missile reduced to match a volley gun (~factor of 3), double number of missiles
Master Engineer (Steam Tank): grenade launcher missile damage was reduced from 40/40 to 20/20. Explosion missile damage reduced from 200/60 to 50/50. Grenades now use secondary ammo, which has been reduced from 100 to 50. For comparison a mortar does ~70 explosion damage

Updated 21 days ago.

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6 days ago

Jun 6, 2024, 2:51:42 AM

Unit Caps & UI

Shadows of Change part 2 monsters+characters added to 4SE caps

Morghur ui icon no longer classes him as “Axe infantry” :P

Dragon siblings are included in the flying unit caps (in human form)

“Grail Cavalry” (Grail knights, Grail guardians, Hippogryph knights) are limited to 4 total. Hippogryphs limited to 1

Lance Cavalry

Mid- to High-tier Non-AP Lance Cavalry have had their AP values slightly increased.

10 AP (Errant, Realm, Empire, Winged Lancers, Jade Lancers)

12AP (Silver Helms)

13AP (Reiksguard, Black Knights (Lances), Gryphon Legion)

15AP (Blazing Sun)

18AP (Dragon Princes)

More Elite Lancers (Chaos Knights, Blood Knights) now have > 50% AP damage


Steam tank: 30% shield (changed directional shields to 100%, 66%, 33%)

Landship: Fixed bug that showed its speed as 55 when actually it was 60. The speed is now correctly 55, -10 ammo (cannon)

Flagellants: -4AP/+9 BD

By our blood: +5 seconds for phase 1, -5 seconds for phase 2 (unbreakable)

Gryphon Legion: -10CB, +100 mass

Winged Lancer: -10CB

Armoured Kossars: +50g (to 650 and 700g)

Streltsi and Warsleds: -10m range

Snow Leopard: -50g

Kostaltyn: Ursun’s ward grants Immune to psychology

Dragon Slayer: -10BvL, -10BD, -100g

Daemon Slayer: -100g, +50AP swap

Garagrim: -100g

Malakai: -50g

Saytang: Windbow +60s cooldown

Grail knights 1800g, they have AP again, -20 armour

Grail Guardians: 1800g, much lower AP


Witchelves: -50g, +4AP/-4BD, -4MD, ‘Madness of Khaine’passive changed and no longer cause enemies to rampage

Hellebron:‘Gaze of Khaine’rampages enemies and allies, -10s duration, -100m cast range

Sisters of Slaughter: -1AP/+3BD

Orion: ‘Hounds of Orion’summon -12BvL +5 speed,‘Cloak of Isha’Heal reduced to 0.07%

Treemen: +collision attacks, +4 speed

Coedil: -25BvL,+22Bvi, -unbreakable, ‘Muster of Malevolents’vigour debuff reduced to 2%

Silverhelms: +50g

Tempest: now targets the ground like other vortex spells making it easier to dodge, spawns 3 small slow-moving vortices, like tzeentch’s firestorm


AOE Rampage abilities (Rage embodied, Seductive glory, gaze of Khaine) require the caster to be in melee to use

Keepers of Secrets (all): now have scaling damage like N’kari

Exalted Keepers: ‘Ballet of Blows’also increases leadership

Lord of Slaanesh: -50g, ‘Rapier of Ecstasy’gives +100%AP

Chaos Furies: +50g

Herald of Slaanesh: -100g

Alluress (Exalted Seeker Chariot): -200g

Chaos knights lances: AP swap, -6MD

Rot Knights +4BvL

Rotting Riders: -100g

Skullcrushers: +6BvL / Bvi

Gorefeast: reduced heal from 0,1% to 0,08%

Fimir GW: -50g

K'daai Destroyer: +collision attacks, reduced max splash targets from 12 to 8

K'daai Fireborn: reduced max splash targets from 4 to 3

Blazing Body passive: time to reach max intensity reduced from 500 to 180

Giants: -20 armour, -15% missile resistance, 48 speed

Stormvermin: +14 HP

‘Weeping Blades’contact effect duration reduced from 35s to 13s

Screaming Bell and Plague furnace: +60WS, removed miscast chance from bound abilities, speed increased to 46

Plague Furnace: -300g

Bonecrusher: -1s windup time

Brain Gobbler (upgraded): +35m AOE, +4WOM


The Red Duke: -50g on foot, +50g on horse and pegasus and now uses a lance, with AP and 20BvL, and +10 Charge

Gaze of Nagash: -50m range

Blood Knights: AP swap, +100g, 72 speed, +5% missile block chance, Flag of blood keep -5% missile resistance

Crypt Ghouls: -50g

Flock of Djaf: added to TK roster with some rebalancing

Skeleton Archers: +3 second reload, +2 AP/+4 missile damage

Depth Guard: +3Bvi, +4 speed, +70 mass

Animated hulks: +18 charge, +Ogre charge, increased from 16 to 24 models, reduced HP from 594 to 325, +50g

Rotting prometheans: -50g

Mournghuls (All): +30% spell resistance

Night Terrors -12LD,-7MA, +1MD,+6CB, -1 splash attack target, +frostbite attacks

Bloated Corpse: -100g, causes terror, +4 speed, +40% missile resistance

Balance of Power: Balance and Bugfix Mod - Total War: Warhammer (100)

Updated 6 days ago.

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Balance of Power: Balance and Bugfix Mod - Total War: Warhammer (2024)


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