friday update 2 Star Wars: Gaming Star Wars Gaming news (2024)

July 1, 2011August 6, 2020 Soeren Kamper

Watch BioWare’s latest trailer to see this Star Wars: The Old Republic class in action! This week’s Star Wars: The Old Republic update is all about the Bounty Hunter and some of the many devices they can use to take down their opponents. Bounty Hunters are feared throughout the Star Wars galaxy and in BioWare’s latest class advancement video, you can see why. The video provides a look at the multiple advancement paths that players can choose from and by the end you’ll be asking one question – where do they get those wonderful toys? Check out the video embed after the break.

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June 25, 2011August 6, 2020 Soeren Kamper

This week BioWare’s Director of Production Dallas Dickinson returns with an E3 2011 preview video of a mission to save the planet Alderaan in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The video is short but it makes its time count by serving up a look at one of the group missions that players can engage in on the Alderaan. And while there are no electrocuted Jawas in this one (that never gets old), there are plenty of blasters and lightsabers.

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June 18, 2011August 4, 2020 Soeren Kamper

Writing is one of the key elements to crafting a living world and few understand that better than BioWare and the vision they have for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This week’s update is all about those guys that shape the world and keep it evolving to fit the lore – the writers. This week BioWare Writer Ian Ryan takes us through the writing process and how writers continue to shape the game world long after the final piece of the story has been written. The writers continue to play the game and examine each area for subtle details that need improving. One example given is the vast improvements made to the planet of Nar Shaddaa, which has been given quite a new glamorous look to better match the taste of the Hutts thanks to writer feedback. If you’re curious to see the impact that these talented writers have on…

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June 5, 2011August 4, 2020 Soeren Kamper

If you’ve been wondering about the Advanced Classes in SWTOR and what they will be like, you don’t have to wonder any more. Just after the interview with about Advanced Classes, releases the news today of their new Advanced Classes page. This redesigned page gives you more information about Advanced Classes and the unique skills and abilities that your character will have that allow you to customize your character to your very own unique playstyle. You can use this new page to learn more about each of the Advanced Classes more in-depth than ever before to help you make a decision about which you want to play. You can use this new page to find out about the different skill sets that will be available to your class as you level up in SWTOR. Choose from: Sith Warrior Bounty Hunter Sith Inquisitor Imperial Agent Jedi Knight Trooper Jedi…

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June 5, 2011August 4, 2020 Soeren Kamper

Issue one of Star Wars: The Old Republic – The Lost Suns will be available in comic shops from June 8th! The announcement was made today in the news section on To gain more information on the series for fans, they interviewed Alexander Freed about the comic. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – The Lost Suns is a five-issue miniseries from Dark Horse Comics. It covers Theron’s mission and the fallout that comes after. It was written by BioWare Senior Writer Alexander Freed. You may remember him as the author of the previous Dark Horse Comics series Blood of the Empire. The comic series has art from George Freeman and Dave Ross, with covers by Benjamin Carré. Even if you are not a previous fan of the comics, this series ties directly into the storyline of Star Wars: The Old Republic and has events happening at the same time…

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June 4, 2011August 4, 2020 Soeren Kamper

There’s little doubt that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be one of the more anticipated titles at E3 2011. But what does BioWare have in store for fans at this year’s E3 gaming convention? Yesterdays update sheds a little light on what the developer has planned for the event and offers a sneak peek at what fans can expect to see during this year’s EA press conference and it involves a new threat that has yet to be revealed on the planet of Belsavis. The last two years have yielded a new CG cinematic trailer and there’s no reason to think that this year will be any different. Gamespot has posted a pre E3 trailer wich also looks amazing. Check it out here: If you’re not attending E3 this year, you can still catch the press conference on Spike TV or via live stream on, on Monday, June…

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May 27, 2011August 4, 2020 Soeren Kamper

BioWare has unleashed a new Star Wars: The Old Republic class progression video, and this one focuses on the Trooper. Watch it below to see some of the armor, weapons and abilities you’ll have at your disposal if you decide to go with this tank class. Will you choose the path of the Vanguard or the Commando?

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May 21, 2011August 4, 2020 Soeren Kamper

It’s Friday once again and that means that it’s time for another BioWare update for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This week brings a trio of updates starting with a new video from the recent Fan Site Summit held at BioWare’s Austin, TX studio in April. The video reflects on the event and what attendees thought of their hands on time with SWTOR. It’s nice to see BioWare developing a nice, cozy, friendly relationship with the people that will be objectively reviewing their product. Part two of this week’s update is a new Fan Friday feature, which highlights some of the SWTOR fan art from the community and a new Fan Site Spotlight featuring SWTOR Life with a brief Q&A with Serge “Mikto” Stanarevic about the site. The Fan Friday update also confirmed the 2011 events that BioWare and LucasArts will be showing off SWTOR at. Fans can look forward…

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May 14, 2011July 31, 2020 Soeren Kamper

Yesterdays update to the Star Wars: The Old Republic site is the full reveal of the Sith Inquisitor class. Sith are not shy about their conquest for power and few pursue that goal as aggressively as the Sith Inquisitor. In this week’s update from BioWare, the Sith Inquisitor shows the limitless power that the Force can offer to those who aggressively pursue it. Check out this week’s new video and update to learn more about the Sith Inquisitor, their ships and the sleeping monster and devourer of Jedi known as Khem Val. Inquisitors, the dark geniuses of the Empire, are masters of treachery and dark Force power. Feared as much on the battlefield as they are by prisoners and political enemies, they will stop at nothing to earn themselves more power. The paths to power are many, though. Is your Inquisitor an Assassin, striking down enemies from the shadows with…

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May 8, 2011July 31, 2020 Soeren Kamper

This week BioWare’s Principal Lead Systems Designer Damion Schubert introduced the Codex. If you’ve played some of BioWare’s other projects like Dragon Age or Mass Effect, you’re probably familiar with the Codex system, which allows players to discover key bits of lore throughout the game by exploring or accomplishing different tasks. This story can help enhance the lore of the world or offer additional narrative to a player’s chosen profession. This feature isn’t just about being another way to deliver story to the player. As Lead Systems Designer, I’m mostly concerned about bringing the fun. Delivering story and context isn’t enough for me – I also want to be sure that we add new activities for players to do and goals for him to achieve. In particular, we saw the codex as a way to reward exploration Here are some more of the highlights: The team had two design goals:…

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April 30, 2011July 30, 2020 Soeren Kamper

A few days ago we wrote a small post about what we know so far about the User interface of Star Wars: The old republic. Little did we know that BioWare will post a major update to the official blog of SWTOR, with new details on how the interface of the upcoming MMO has evolved during development. This new essay, penned by lead UI artist Michael Voigt, delves into how the dream-weavers at BioWare Austin strived to keep screen clutter to a minimum. We used the analogy of the co*ckpit of a steam locomotive compared to a modern sports car. The locomotive had indicators and dials jumbled in all corners of the co*ckpit and the sports car had a sleek driver dash containing all the necessary indicators in an organized layout… Our game features beautiful scenic vistas and we wanted the user interface to complement those and not take away…

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April 29, 2011July 30, 2020 Soeren Kamper

Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me. These are the emotions the Sith Warrior channels to purge weakness from his body and become a cold-blooded, Force-wielding wrecking machine. Check out the class progression overview for Sith Warriors below:

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April 26, 2011July 29, 2020 Soeren Kamper

If you love Star Wars lore, then you are going to be really excited about the news that Drew Karpyshyn’s new novel has been revealed. The new book titled, Raven will expand beyond the core game and into novels and comics of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Del Rey Books has already published two novels in the Old Republic timeline, Fatal Alliance and Deceived, and they announced last year that there would be a third Old Republic novel. Drew Karpyshyn, Principal Writer at BioWare would be the author of this book. Fans may know him from the Darth Bane series of Star Wars™ novels. In an exclusive Q&A, Karpyshyn shares some information about the book. This part will be rather interesting to those who are anxiously awaiting the release of SW:TOR MMO: Q: In what ways will readers who have read Revan benefit when playing Star Wars: The…

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April 16, 2011July 29, 2020 Soeren Kamper

BioWare returns this week with a two-part update for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). The first part of the update goes behind the scenes with Senior Environmental Artist Robby Lamb, who details how the game environments evolve and transform. Lamb details the creation and polish of environments in SWTOR and how he works and re-works the content to make it as epic as possible while maintaining the best game performance. The second part of the update comes in the form of a Community Q&A, which addresses a number of different questions from the community. To summarize, each class will have a number of companions from each archetype. Players can choose which of those will become their main companion and can enhance them through the use of kits. Bounty Hunters will not be able to use jetpacks outside of battle and the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior will have no…

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March 18, 2011July 28, 2020 Soeren Kamper

The latest batch of updates on the Star Wars: The Old Republic site include a dev blog on animations, a community Q&A on Flashpoints, and a fan site spotlight on our good friends TORWars. Also, there’s some concept art and fan art thrown in for good measure. In the cinematic animation blog, Animator Andrew Lauretta explains how animations are created for in-game cinematics. He shows step by step how the team worked on a scene in which characters need to Force Push some guards away and slay a couple of Hutts. The latest Fan Friday segment contains the usual artwork and avatars, and this one also includes an interview with Jeff Hollis, the creator of TORWars. Community Q&A on Flashpoints Today, World Designer Jesse Sky has answers to some of your questions about Flashpoints: Q: Will Flashpoint for Republic and Empire ever meet? – Sirious_Nora A: Certain Flashpoints, especially at…

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March 11, 2011July 28, 2020 Soeren Kamper

PAX East 2011 officially kicked off today and BioWare was on hand to show off a brand new trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). The latest trailer “Fate of the Galaxy” shows the escalating tension between the Republic and Sith Empire and offers a look at some of the gameplay for SWTOR.

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March 5, 2011July 27, 2020 Soeren Kamper

Not everyone will find the life of a Jedi or Sith appealing in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). Some will find the rugged lifestyle of a Bounty Hunter more to their liking. After all, one of the favorite characters in the Star Wars lineup is Boba Fett. How can you not have a class fashioned after one of the Star Wars galaxy’s most infamous Bounty Hunters? While Boba Fett is thousands of years from birth in SWTOR, his profession is well intact and BioWare revealed a new look at the SWTOR Bounty Hunter at GDC 2011. The latest reveal offers a look at Mako, a companion that can join young Bounty Hunters on their adventures and a notorious slicer, the Rattataki race, a violent species well-suited for bounty hunting and the D-5 Mantis Patrol Craft ship, built for a true Bounty Hunter. Lastly, a brand new Bounty Hunter class…

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February 25, 2011July 29, 2020 Soeren Kamper

This weeks friday update gives us another developer blog. This time it’s Live Producer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, Blaine Christine that shares some insight about his job. Blaine Christine has worked for BioWare for three and a half years and mainly take care of beta testing stuff right now. I imagine he is the last man who have a look at things before new patches hits the test realms etc. Thorugh out this weeks blog, Blaine Christine quotes a few beta testers with their exstreamly positive (obviously) opinions on the game. Here is the probably most interesting quotes from game testers: “The questing experience in TOR was amazing! The voiceovers and cinematics actually make me wonder how I ever survived the ‘grind’ without them.” “As one of those people who didn’t really care about story in an MMO, after playing TOR I can’t imagine playing another MMO unless…

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February 18, 2011July 25, 2020 Soeren Kamper

Today’s update to the Star Wars: The Old Republic site is a package deal that contains new Studio Insider and Fan Friday segments. Both of the articles are packed with content and are worth a look for SW:TOR fans. As always, the Fan Friday segment contains fan art, concept art and forum avatars. In addition, this issue contains the first installment of the new Fan Site Spotlight series. The team talks with the hosts of Mos Eisley Radio to learn more about the podcast. BioWare also announced that it will be hosting a Community Meet and Greet at PAX East on March 12. In this week’s Studio Insider segment, Concept Artist Diego Almaza explains how he created the concept for the Sith Temple (seen above). Rich Vogel, Executive Producer of The Old Republic and Vice President of Production at BioWare Austin, also answers six questions from the…

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February 5, 2011July 24, 2020 Soeren Kamper

In BioWare’s Friday update for Star Wars: The Old Republic, World Designer Jesse Sky talks about building “Flashpoints”. So, what is a flashpoint and why might one want to design one? A Flashpoint is a galactic crisis, something so threatening that even the most stalwart heroes must bring allies. The Death Star was a Flashpoint. Luke and Obi-wan spent a few minutes LFG in the Mos Eisley Cantina where they enlisted the aid of Han Solo and Chewbacca. Together, they infiltrated a moon-sized battle station to rescue Princess Leia. Things didn’t go quite as they expected; difficult choices were made along the way. That’s a Flashpoint in a nutshell. In game terms, a Flashpoint is a challenging, cooperative mission that takes place entirely within an instance, which only your group can enter. While adventuring, you’ll be alerted to a crisis developing somewhere in the galaxy. That’s when you know it’s…

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January 21, 2011July 26, 2020 Soeren Kamper

This Friday BioWare awaits us with a new poisoned planet called Quesh. The planet looks and sounds like a Hutt holiday resort, and from the description that’s not entirely wrong. Well, except that none of the Hutts involved are really happy with the whole thing, but that’s probably just a Hutt thing. In a distant corner of Hutt Space, the poisonous planet Quesh orbited untouched for centuries, until the surprising discovery of rare adrenal chemicals drew the Galactic Republic to further explore this dangerous world. Unable to process the chemicals into adrenals, however, the Republic was forced to turn to the Hutts for help. Recently, the Sith Empire learned of this secret and lucrative operation, and swiftly came to steal the prize. The battle over this toxic treasure may be one of the most brutal ground conflicts the galaxy has ever seen, but the winner will gain access to powerful…

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January 15, 2011July 28, 2020 Soeren Kamper

BioWare has posted two updates on the Star Wars: The Old Republic site today: a Fan Friday segment and a Studio Insider article that contains a developer Q&A and an in-depth look at the creation of the X70B-Phantom starship. The Studio Insider article contains the meat of today’s update. Senior Concept Artist Ryan Dening and Senior Environment Artist Christopher Reeves provides a ton of detail on how an in-game ship is created, and the Q&A with Senior Producer Blaine Christine answers some interesting questions that were submitted by fans on the official forums. Community Q&A We took some of your questions from the last Community Q&A thread to Senior Producer Blaine Christine to get answers, and here they are! Q: How diverse can I expect the enemies to be? (asked by mattjorgdbb) A: Our Design team and Artists have been putting a lot of time and effort into ensuring that…

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January 7, 2011July 28, 2020 Soeren Kamper

Today’s Friday update for Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare has added new information on three notable characters to the Biographies section of the HoloNet. Here are the details: In these new holorecords, you’ll learn about Supreme Chancellor Janarus, stalwart protector of Republic ideals and source of hope for its people. Opposite Janarus, hidden in the shadows, you’ll discover the enigmatic puppeteer of Imperial Intelligence, Darth Jadus. Elsewhere in the galaxy, the cold-blooded bounty hunter Jewl’a Nightbringer ruthlessly hunts down slavers, gangs, and crime lords who manage to catch her attention. Some might remember Jewl’a Nightbringer from the one of the first gameplay walkthrough videos BioWare released. She was one of the bounty hunters that the NPC Mako identified as a winner of the Great Hunt – A bounty hunter thing. Another interesting thing about this update is the Aurebesh Translation’s. You can read more about them over at…

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December 31, 2010July 24, 2020 Soeren Kamper

For its final Friday update of the year, BioWare has posted a blog entry by Lead Cinematic Designer Paul Marino that explains how a scene is designed and directed in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Here’s his explanation of what his team does for the game: “To put it simply, Cinematic Design is using cinematic presentation to facilitate narrative and gameplay, and heighten emotional involvement. By the use of a directed camera, we’re able to make the story real to the player, allowing them to get involved with the characters and make meaningful choices.” Marino’s job as cinematic designer is to direct the game’s cutscenes, allowing the game’s writing and characters to shine. To see how well the developers have injected some humor and atmosphere into run-of-the-mill quests, have a look at these two videos, recently released on The Old Republic‘s blog:

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friday update 2 Star Wars: Gaming Star Wars Gaming news (2024)


What is the rarest Star Wars game? ›

Artist's rendition of the cartridge. Ewok Adventure would have been the last Star Wars game released for the Atari 2600. However, the game was never released and remains the rarest Star Wars video game to date.

What is the hardest Star Wars game? ›

Top 10 Hardest Star Wars Video Games
  • Star Wars: Episode I - Racer. ...
  • Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. ...
  • Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. ...
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. ...
  • Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader. 2001T. ...
  • Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast. 2002T. ...
  • Star Wars: Empire at War. 2006T. ...
  • Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. 2019T.

What Star Wars game is coming out in 2024? ›

Kay Vess is a rookie scoundrel trying to make her way in the galaxy, smuggling goods and dealing with crime lords. Expansions are also planned, including one that pairs Kay up with the infamous Jabba the Hutt. Star Wars Outlaws will release for PS5, on August 30, 2024.

Will Star Wars Outlaws be on Luna? ›

Return of the Jedi. Star Wars Outlaws is available on August 30, 2024 for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, PC, and Amazon Luna.. The Star Wars Outlaws release date is 30th August 2024, the developers from Ubisoft have confirmed. This date was revealed in the story trailer .

What is the rarest lightsaber in Star Wars? ›

In a galaxy filled with lightsabers of various colours, the Darksaber stands out as the rarest lightsaber colour, shrouded in mystery and steeped in history. Created by the first Mandalorian Jedi, it has passed through the hands of warriors, terrorists, and heroes, leaving an indelible mark on the Star Wars universe.

What is the rarest droid in Star Wars? ›

Jedi Assault Droids was the rarest droid in the Cylon Imperium, and were never used on a standard battleground. They had one single purpose: eliminate enemy Force-users. These droids were expensive and difficult to produce, mainly because they required lightsaber crystals in order for their main weapon to work.

What is the most disturbing scene in Star Wars? ›

13 of the Scariest Star Wars Scenes
  • Dance with the Dianoga (Star Wars: A New Hope) ...
  • Don't Look Outside (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back) ...
  • We Would Be Honored If You Would Join Us (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back) ...
  • Journey in the Cave (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back) ...
  • Oh No, the Rancor! (
Oct 31, 2023

What is the hardest Jedi form? ›

Form VII, known by its two primary disciplines of Juyo and Vaapad; and also known as The Ferocity Form, was the seventh form of lightsaber combat. It was considered the most aggressive and unpredictable form.

What will the 2025 Star Wars movie be? ›

"The Mandalorian & Grogu" will be directed by Jon Favreau and produced by Favreau, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, and "Ahsoka" creator Dave Filoni for a scheduled start to filming in 2024 with a potential late 2025 arrival date.

Will Yoda be in Acolyte? ›

Where's Yoda? As much as we adore Yoda, the beloved Jedi Master won't appear in the new Star Wars series The Acolyte on Disney Plus. This “enthralling new era” is packed full of “mystery and intrigue”, yet there's that air of familiarity all Star Wars series share.

Does Terra exist in Star Wars? ›

Earth, otherwise known as Terra, was a planet in the Milky Way galaxy, capital of the IFP and once capital of the Celestials, It was known that some time displaced warships crashed in Republic territory (Courscant, Tion and Corellia) which caused the Basic-Spanish Paradox.

Who is the main character in Star Wars Outlaws? ›

Explore distinct planets across the galaxy, both iconic and new. Risk it all as Kay Vess, a scoundrel seeking freedom and the means to start a new life, along with her companion Nix. Fight, steal, and outwit your way through the galaxy's crime syndicates as you join the galaxy's most wanted.

Did the Ewoks join the New Republic? ›

The Ewoks, however, were not to be underestimated. They were brave warriors, adept at using what technology they had and quick to learn new ways. They accepted the Rebel Alliance's warriors into their tribe and decided to join the fight against the Galactic Empire.

What is the rarest Star Wars figure? ›

A missile-firing 1979 Star Wars Boba Fett action figure was launched into the record books after selling for $525,000 (£411,000) at Heritage Auctions in the US on May 31, becoming the most expensive vintage toy ever sold at auction.

What is the most expensive Star Wars thing? ›

A lost model of an X-Wing starfighter used in the original Star Wars movie has been sold for millions of dollars after being found in a garage. Heritage Auctions based, not in a galaxy far, far away, but in Dallas, Texas in the US confirmed the sale of the model for a price of $3.135m (£2.58m).

What is the rarest Star Wars creature? ›

Xidelphiad. The rarest species on this list is by far the Xidelphiad, a sentient species who only has one appearance in all of Star Wars canon, that being the book Star Wars Propaganda: A History Of Persuasive Art In The Galaxy.


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