Pepparkakor Recipe (Swedish Ginger Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (2025)

These pepparkakor (thin Swedish ginger cookies) are whole wheat and dairy-free and just as crisp and delicious as the more traditional kind!

Have you ever tried Anna’s Ginger Thins or the heart-shaped ginger cookies at IKEA? These pepparkakor cookies are just like those, but better! They’re thin, crisp and have lots of gingerbread spice. And cardamom! I don’t think I had ever had cardamom in anything before I did my first exchange year in Sweden, where cardamom is really popular.

Now that I’ve tried it, I enjoy it in most of my gingerbread-like treats. And my other Swedish treats, like this Swedish apple pie, which is actually more like a crisp and super delicious. I also added a tiny bit to my Swedish blueberry soup!

Pepparkakor Recipe (Swedish Ginger Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (1)

Pepparkakor (Swedish for “pepper cookies”) are enormously popular in Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia during the holidays. They’re relatively simple to make and don’t require any frosting or other decoration. And they come with an interesting history!

There’s one story about King Hans, the Swedish-Danish-Norwegian king around 1500, whose doctor prescribed him pepparkakor, which were sold not only in bakeries, but also in pharmacies. King Hans had a bad temper and obviously pepparkakor were the answer – it’s said that eating pepparkakor makes you a nicer person! Pepparkakor were also sold in monasteries, where nuns ate them to help with their digestion. So, these pepparkakor are miracle cookies and you need to make them. :)

Pepparkakor Recipe (Swedish Ginger Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (2)

The cookies pictured above are the dairy-free version made with coconut oil. I thought I’d try them with butter, just in case someone asked about using it, and you can see the difference below. But the thing is, I used 1.4 more tablespoons of butter, as I often need a little less coconut oil than butter when baking certain treats.

So instead of 2/3 cup, I used 3/4 cup. That was definitely too much. If you want to use butter, I recommend 11 tablespoons. Or even 2/3 cup! They came out delicious and perfectly crisp with 3/4 cup butter, but they spread quite a bit.

I made my first few batches with sugar beet syrup, which is similar to regular molasses. Then I made it with blackstrap molasses and for the first time ever, I have to recommend not using blackstrap. It totally overpowered the spices. Stick with regular molasses here!

Pepparkakor Recipe (Swedish Ginger Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (3)Something I really love about this pepparkakor recipe is that the cookies stay fresh for a long time. I wrote one month in the the recipe, just to be safe, but in reality I’m pretty sure they last much longer (based off of past experience with pepparkakor). And the dough is pretty easy to work with and bake!

I made some intricate snowflakes and was worried about the edges burning before the center had browned, but they came out perfectly. I made the moose in this cookie cutter set and that was the only one I had issues with, probably because it’s so big. Instead of using a spatula to remove the moose to another baking sheet, I just peeled away the dough around the cookie cutter and baked the moose on the parchment paper I had rolled it out on.

For grain-free cutout ginger cookies, I recommend my soft and chewy gingerbread men. Note that they won’t get crisp like these Swedish cookies, no matter how long you bake them.

And if you don’t want to use cookie cutters and prefer traditional ginger cookies, these ginger cookies look great! I bet they’d work out great with white whole wheat flour.

I hope you’ll enjoy these pepparkakor! If you try them out, please let me know below in the comments. Thank you!

Want more Swedish cookies? Try these Crispy Swedish Cardamom Cookies from The Food Charalatan! These Swedish Heirloom Cookies from Shugary Sweets also look awesome.


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Pepparkakor Recipe (Swedish Ginger Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (4)

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  • Prep Time:
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  • Yield: 40-50 cutout cookies


  • 3 cups (375 grams) whole wheat flour
  • 1 tablespoon ground ginger
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup (149 grams) coconut oil, room temperature (it should be as soft as room temperature butter)
  • 1/2 cup (100 grams) granulated or raw sugar
  • 1/4 cup (50 grams) brown or coconut sugar
  • 1/2 cup (176 grams) molasses (blackstrap is not recommended!)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 large egg, room temperature


  1. In a large mixing bowl, stir together all the dry ingredients (flour through salt).
  2. Using a stand mixer or an electric hand mixer, beat together coconut oil, granulated sugar and brown sugar until thoroughly combined.
  3. Add the molasses and vanilla and beat until combined. Beat in the egg.
  4. Add the dry mixture all at once and beat until well combined. It'll be very crumbly and dry. Use your hands to combine it and bring it together into a dough. Form into a disc and wrap with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until very firm.
  5. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
  6. Place 1/4 of the dough onto the center of a piece of parchment paper. Cover with another piece of parchment paper and roll to 1/8" thickness. Try to keep it as even as possible so that the cookies bake evenly. The dough shouldn't stick at all to the parchment paper. If you see that it is, gather the dough back together and lightly flour the surface before rolling out again. The dough will be very firm and will take quite a bit of effort to roll out – if it's too firm, let it sit for 10 minutes or until softened just a little.
  7. Cut out shapes using whatever cookie cutters you like and place on a parchment lined baking sheet.
  8. Bake for 7-10 minutes or until evenly and lightly browned. It's difficult to give an exact time as it depends on the size and shape of your cookie cutters. The cookies may be soft when you remove them from the oven, but after cooling for a few minutes, they should be totally crisp. If they're soft after they've cooled, you can put them back in the oven for a few more minutes. You may want to make just a few the first time as a trial.
  9. Let the cookies cool for 3 minutes on the baking sheet and then remove to a wire rack to cool completely.
  10. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 month.


  • I used refined coconut oil and these cookies had absolutely no coconut taste. If you use unrefined coconut oil, these will likely have a coconut flavor.


Recipe by Texanerin Baking|

Pepparkakor Recipe (Swedish Ginger Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (5)

Pepparkakor Recipe (Swedish Ginger Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (6)

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Pepparkakor Recipe (Swedish Ginger Cookies) - Texanerin Baking (2025)


What does pepparkaka mean in Swedish? ›

What does Pepparkakor mean? Pepparkakor or Pepparkaka means pepper cookie / pepper cookies. Peppar means pepper in Swedish and kakor or kaka means cookie, biscuit and can also mean cake so it can be a bit confusing.

Why are my ginger cookies so hard? ›

“There are some gingerbread recipes that are hard right after baking and need to sit for a few days to soften. Molasses and honey hardens gingerbread, but as the sugar absorbs moisture, it will get softer.”

What day of the year are Pepparkakor traditionally made? ›

However Pepparkakor are baked throughout the year in Sweden, but they're especially popular at Christmas. Originally these cookies were far spicier than they are today. Pepparkakor means pepper biscuits, not ingefärakakor – ginger biscuits, because they contained lots of pepper.

What is the history of Swedish ginger cookies? ›

The first record of Swedish gingerbread cookies comes from nuns in central Sweden in 1444, who ate cookies full of spices to help with digestion. In Swedish the name actually translates as 'pepper cookies,' because apparently peppar was used as a general term for spices.

What is the difference between Pepparkakor and gingersnap? ›

Some consider these differences to be enough to place them into two separate categories. Ginger snaps (Pepparkakor) are typically baked for a longer time; they're thinner, chewier, and often with a more robust, well-expressed spice flavor than a standard gingerbread cookie.

How do you know when ginger cookies are done? ›

So how do you know that they're done? Here's how to tell if gingerbread cookies are done: They'll be firmly set. They'll be a lovely medium-brown color.

Why do my ginger cookies go flat? ›

Oven temperatures are a crucial factor in baking. If your cookies consistently come out flat, you may have selected the wrong baking temperature. If you bake cookies using too much heat, the fats in the dough begin to melt before the other ingredients can cook together and form your cookie's rise.

Why are my ginger cookies bitter? ›

However, with that amount of baking powder, your cookies (or any baked goods in which you substitute baking powder for baking soda) may end up with a pronounced bitter taste.

What is the difference between Lebkuchen and pepparkakor? ›

The main difference between the two is the cookie texture. German lebkuchen cookies are traditionally thick and dense but soft and chewy. Swedish ginger snaps cookies are supposed to be thin and brittle, with a light texture that can vary between crunchy and slightly chewy.

How to eat pepparkakor? ›

Pepparkakor are thin and crispy Swedish gingersnaps. These cookies are traditionally eaten in December in Sweden with a cup of coffee or some glögg. Enjoy!

What do they eat in Sweden for Christmas? ›

Christmas presents are under the lighted tree, candles shine brightly and the smorgasbord (or smörgåsbord, as it's written in Swedish) has been prepared with all the classic dishes: Christmas ham, pork sausage, an egg and anchovy mixture (gubbröra), herring salad, pickled herring, home-made liver pâté, wort-flavoured ...

Are ginger cookies healthy? ›

Despite their drawbacks, ginger cookies offer some nutritional value, and boost your iron and manganese intakes. Iron plays a key role in energy production, and it supports tissue health by helping red blood cells carry oxygen to your tissues.

Are gingerbread and ginger cookies the same? ›

Ginger Snaps are simply a variation of the traditional Gingerbread cookie. They're known for their crisper quality; their “snap” if you will. Introduced in colonial times, the main differences between Gingerbread and Ginger Snaps are a longer bake time for an extra crisp and the use of molasses versus sugar.

Why is gingerbread called ginger? ›

Etymology. Originally, the term gingerbread (from Latin zingiber via Old French gingebras) referred to preserved ginger. It then referred to a confection made with honey and spices.

How do you say sweet girl in Swedish? ›

Contextual examples of "sweet girl" in Swedish

Sweet girl. Söt tjej.

What is Swedish for little girl? ›

• little girltulta↔ fillette

What is a traditional Swedish Christmas dinner? ›

Christmas presents are under the lighted tree, candles shine brightly and the smorgasbord (or smörgåsbord, as it's written in Swedish) has been prepared with all the classic dishes: Christmas ham, pork sausage, an egg and anchovy mixture (gubbröra), herring salad, pickled herring, home-made liver pâté, wort-flavoured ...

How do you say girl in Swedish? ›

• girlflicka↔ meisje
• girl→ brudflickvän↔ Braut
• girl→ flickatjejtösjänta↔ Mädel
• girl→ flickvän↔ Mädel
2 more rows


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