PSA Update: Sheriff’s Office Advisory Group (SOVBAG) & Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) - Public Service Association (2025)

As we reach the mid-year mark, your union, the PSA, has the following updates to provide following our quarterly SOVBAG and JCC meetings.

SOVBAG Meeting and JCC

On 14 May 2024, SOVBAG convened at PSA House, followed by a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) session with NSWSHO management on 30 May 2024.

Sheriff Officer Uplift

The Uplift was discussed at the JCC, with no significant updates.

It is still the case that a clear outcome will come about with the handing down of the 2024-25 budget on 18 June.

As outlined previously, the PSA remains committed to keeping you informed of any updates or announcements that may arise from the Sheriff’s Office.

Please see below in relation to the whole-of-government offer received by the PSA.

NSW Public Service pay rise offer

The PSA has received a ‘Baseline Remuneration Adjustment and Cost of Living Adjustment Payment’ offer of 10.5 per cent from the Premier’s Department.

The offer in its current form, provides for:

  • 5 per cent increase to remuneration over three years
  • Two 0.5 per cent increases to superannuation over two years
  • Potential payment of $1000 cash if the Sydney Consumer Price Index rate reaches 4.5 per cent. It should be noted the rate is currently 3.8 per cent.

This is general advice for all members and your union is seeking clarification on this offer. Any legitimate offer received by the PSA will be put to a ballot of members and be assured that no offer will be accepted without a vote by members. We will keep all members updated as information comes to hand.

We note that the outcome of the Uplift is pending in the coming budget we want to assure you that this offer, or subsequent offer will not preclude the PSA from negotiating with management for the value of the work that you do.

Overtime, Travel Arrangements & Allowances

The PSA raised issues that have been reported. Management has agreed to review any claims where there may be an underpayment of member entitlements.

Considering the numerous enquiries fielded by the PSA over the last year in relation to Overtime and Allowances, please see the following advice from your union.

Overtime – Generally

All overtime which is paid is to be considered directed overtime, as in line with the applicable awards.

If you have any questions or concerns in relation to Overtime generally, please contact the Member Support Centre and quote group call #221 583 so that we can assist you further.

Overtime – Split locations

In most circumstances, all time within the bandwidth leading to an overtime shift should be recorded as time worked, unless for the purposes of a break.

If you have an overtime shift at a different location to where you are working for the day, please ensure the following:

  • At the earliest available opportunity before the shift, request to work out of the overtime location.
  • Where this is not possible, notify your Supervisor upon concluding work at the substantive location and advise of your travel to the overtime location.

If you have any questions or concerns in relation to Overtime at different locations, please contact the Member Support Centre and quote group call #221 584 so that we can assist you further.

Meal Allowances

In line with the above, all applicable meal allowances within the relevant awards should be paid accordingly.

If you have not been paid a meal allowance for an overtime shift, please contact the Member Support Centre and quote group call #221 586 so that we can assist you further.

Travel arrangements and excess travel

Travel arrangements and excess travel time were also discussed. Management is in the process of drafting a response to provide to the PSA.

If you have concerns about an issue regarding travel arrangements or how excess travel is paid, please contact the Member Support Centre and quote group call #221 588 so that we can assist you further.

We strongly encourage you to reach out to us if you, or anyone you know may be impacted by the above.

Civil Enforcement

The PSA discussed the current SMET Pilot with management. The afternoon shift pilot has commenced, and a report back is due at the next JCC.

The PSA requested an audit of suitable wet-weather and night-specific PPE. Management is in the process of conducting this and may include rolling out further PPE such as high-visibility attachments for vests, wet-weather clothing, and torches.

The PSA has requested management to provide any safety and risk assessments which have been undertaken by management so far.

Training and Recruitment

At this stage, it is anticipated that there will be a class of around 20 Sheriff’s Officers commencing over the following month.

Work, Health, and Safety

Management invited the DCJ WHS Team to attend the meeting and provide an overview into WHS reporting and statistics. These reports will become a standing agenda item moving forward.

We are still in discussions with management regarding setting up an incident alert arrangement.

Body Worn Camera Trial

The BWVC trial is still underway. So far, the feedback received from members and other stakeholders has been positive.

Bails Court

Following on from recent media reporting around proposed changes to bail laws and procedure, the PSA requested that management provide an update to any current or proposed changes to the operation of bail courts.

Management advised that CTSD is conducting a review, and that there are no current or proposed changes.


Management have advised the PSA the draft agreement has been paused at this point, pending the outcome of the Uplift in the budget. If budgeted, it is management’s intention to incorporate any SOC arrangements into a future Award.

The PSA advised management of its intention to meet with members in the coming weeks to discuss the matter with members.

Court Officer – regional relief

The PSA raised concerns in relation to tasks performed whilst undertaking regional relief work.

Management took the concerns on notice to review and respond where required.

Jury Branch telephone system

Management is currently reviewing the call centre arrangements and upgrading the system.

The PSA has requested further information to provided in writing to us, which management has agreed to do.

PSA Industrial Staff

Organiser – Marko Petrovic

Industrial Officer – Ben James

PSA Update: Sheriff’s Office Advisory Group (SOVBAG) & Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) - Public Service Association (2025)


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