Reading and Writing 2 Answer Key - Tài liệu tổng hợp | PDF (2025)

The Q Classroom Activity A, p. 2 1. Answers will vary. 2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: These people are an indoor ski area. Year-round snow on their ski slopes makes these parks popular. Activity B, p. 3 1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Yes, I think that is true. / No, I do not think that is true. 2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Some things become popular because they are new and different. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quảcao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


The Q Classroom

Activity A, p. 2

1. Answers will vary.

2. Answers will vary. Possible answer:

These people are an indoor ski area.

Year-round snow on their ski slopes

makes these parks popular.

Activity B, p. 3

1. Answers will vary. Possible answers:

Yes, I think that is true. / No, I do not

think that is true.

2. Answers will vary. Possible answer:

Some things become popular

because they are new and different.


Activity A, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

Ad on TV:

Advantages: Advertisers can

target their ads to people who

watch certain types of shows. Use


Disadvantages: Many people are

watching TV shows over the

Internet. People mute the TV when

ads come on.

Word of mouth:

Advantages: People

listen to their friends. People are

likely to buy products that others

are talking about.

Disadvantages: Advertisers cannot

control this. Advertisers can’t be

sure the talk is positive.

Magazine ads:

Advantages: can use colorful photos.

Can use celebrities.

Disadvantages: People might not

read it. Many people are not reading

magazines anymore.

Activity B, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.



Activity A, p. 4

1. find out

2. trend

3. spread

4. contribute

5. connect

6. express

7. clear

Activity C, p. 5

Answers may vary.

The article will talk about unusual

things that advertisers do to

promote products.

Activity D, p. 5

Answers will vary.


Activity B, p. 6

1. c

2. d

3. a

4. b

Activity C, p. 6

a. 4 This created buzz because people

like to participate and express their

own opinions.

b. 3 Some other companies choose to

do something surprising so that

people will remember their product

and spread their idea.

c. 1 Every year companies spend

millions of dollars on advertising to

create buzz about their productsin

other words, to get people talking

about them.

d. 6 There are many ways that

advertisers hope to make their

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


products popular: doing something

surprising or exciting, asking

customers to get involved, or

connecting the product with

something that people see regularly.

e. 2 This is part of a new trend in

advertising in which companies pay

for unusual events, hoping that

customers will talk more about their


f. 3 People were surprised to see a

blender cut a smartphone into small

pieces. Everyone talked about the

videos and wanted to find out more

about the blenders.

Activity D, p. 7

1. Buzz means people talk a lot about

something because it is popular.

2. 39 kilometers

3. more than 1,300 kilometers per


4. smartphones, rakes, sports


5. They connected Kit Kat bars with


6. Sales improved by more than 50


7. Because more people will buy

products that people are talking


Activity E, p. 7

1. Felix Baumgartner performed a

stunt while wearing a space suit

with Red Bull’s name on it.

2. Tom Dickson made videos showing

blenders mixing up unusual things.

3. Doritos asked their customers to

make their own TV ads.

4. they drink coffee often, and the ads

connected Kit Kats with coffee.


Activity A, B, pp. 78

1. Answers will vary. Possible answer:

I think Kit Kat had the most

successful advertising method. They

improved sales by more than 50

percent because they used ads that

connected Kit Kat bars with coffee.

2. Answers will vary.


Activity A, p. 8

1. Experts often influence our actions

and purchases. For example, a

doctor on a TV health show may

recommend a medication. Because

the doctor is an expert in

healthcare, we expect her to be very

knowledgeable about what

medicines are best. We are more

likely to follow her advice.

2. Other consumers also influence our

purchases. When a consumer uses a

product, we listen to his or her

opinion. On the Internet, consumers

can write their opinions about

products. For example, on some

travel websites, people write

reviews of hotels and restaurants.

Online bookstores share reviews

from ordinary people. These

websites are very popular because

they show that people are

interested in consumers’ opinions.

Activity B, pp. 89

1. c

Key sentence: One idea that can contribute

to popularity is to do something very


2. a

Key sentence: Some other companies

choose to do something surprising so that

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


people will remember their product and

spread their idea.

3. c

Key Sentence: This created buzz because

people like to participate and express their

own opinions.

4. b

Key Sentence: Another way to make a

product popular is to connect it in people’s

minds with something that they see often.



Activity A, pp. 910

1. a

2. b

3. b

4. a

5. a

6. a

7. b

8. b

Activity C, p. 10

People make their shopping choices

because of what other people buy.

Activity D, p, 10

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

I bought a pair of expensive sneakers

because all my friends had the same pair. I

liked the way the sneakers looked, but they

were expensive. I wish I had saved my

money instead.


Activity B, p. 12

1. a

2. b

Activity C, pp. 1213

1. Social proof is how other people’s

actions influence us.

2. They want to influence us to buy

their products.

3. because experts are knowledgeable

4. People are interested in consumers’


5. a friend’s recommendations

Activity D, p. 13

a. 4

b. 5

c. 1

d. 3

e. 2

Activity E, p. 13

1. influence

2. behavior

3. Experts

4. consumers

5. friends

6. recommendations

7. advertising

Activity F, p. 13






Activity A, p. 14

Answers will vary.

Activity B, p. 14

Answers will vary.


Activity A, p. 14

Nouns: choice, connection, contribution,

discussion, enjoyment, gift, information,


Verbs: choose, connect, contribute, discuss,

enjoy, give, inform, think

Activity B, p. 15

1. V

2. N

3. V

4. N

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


5. N

6. V

7. N

8. V

9. V

10. N

Activity C, p. 15

1. studies

2. reviews

3. influence


5. researches

6. study


8. influence


Activity A, p. 17

TS Psychologists say that “social proof”

influences us.

SS One example of this is a sidewalk


SS When a group of four people looked

up at the sky on a busy sidewalk, 80

percent of the passersby looked up

at the sky.

CS A group of people influences the

behavior of others.

Activity B, p. 17

1. b

2. c

3. a

Activity C, p. 17

Topic sentence: Friends influence us the

mostmore than experts, crowds, or other


Activity D, p. 1718

1. b topic: the most popular clothing

controlling idea: is not always

popular the next year

2. c topic: classroom computers

controlling idea: are very helpful for


3. a topic: many older adults

controlling idea: need a lesson on

how to use a smartphone

4. a topic: many new trends

controlling idea: are actually old


Activity E, p. 18

1. b

2. b

Activity F, p. 18

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

I have good reasons for not buying the

latest fashions.

Activity G, p. 19

Answers will vary.

Activity H, p. 19

Answers will vary.


Activity A, p. 21

1. Nowadays more and more

companies are making

advertisements that involve their

customers. These companies are

using many creative ways to help

products become more popular.

Researchers believe social proof is

the idea behind this trend. This is

because when we are not sure what

to do, we look at what others are

doing. More and more people are

using smartphones and social media

to share news about their purchases

with their friends.

2. a

3. c

Activity B, pp. 2122

1. are using

2. are following

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


3. are copying

4. are buying

5. are complaining

6. is spreading

7. is improving

8. are losing

9. is, trying

10. are being



Activity A, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

Activity B, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


The Q Classroom

Activity A, p. 24

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. I like blue because it is easy to look

at. It’s a calm color. It’s easy to

match blue with other colors.

2. Yellow walls will probably make me

feel warm and happy. It’s a cheerful


3. The colors make the town appear

bright and friendly.

Activity B, p. 24

1. The students mention bright colors,

burgundy, dark blue, gold, white,

and pink

2. Answers will vary.


Activity A, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Valeria wears blue because it makes

her feel like she is in a dream. Tom

likes red because it is a warm, bright

color. Stephin wears brown because

all browns go together. Also, brown

doesn’t show stains and it matches

his hair and eyes. Elizabeth wears

green because it makes her think of


2. Blue makes me feel cold. It reminds

me of water.

3. I like to wear blue because there are

many different kinds of blue. It is

easy to match. It makes me feel


4. I don’t like to wear orange. It is too

bright. It doesn’t look good with my

skin and hair.



Activity A, pp. 2627

a. represent

b. affect

c. emotions

d. culture

e. universal

f. unaware

g. psychology

h. specific

Activity C, p. 27

1. There are five sections. The painting

is related to the section called

Cultural meaning.

2. Cultural meaning

3. Orange and red are warm colors.

Blue and green are cool colors.

4. Answers will vary.

Activity D, p. 27

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

The color red makes me feel happy. Red is a

warm color and makes me feel safe. When I

think of the color red, I am reminded of

leaves in the fall.


Activity B, p. 30

1. T

2. F Colors can have several meanings.

3. T

4. T

5. F Research studies about color

psychology show that color affects

our actions or emotions.

Activity C, p. 30

Blue: air, water, peace, calmness, sadness,

decreased pain

Green: life, nature, calmness, sadness,

money, loss of respect

Red: anger, warmth, comfort, danger

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


Yellow: warmth, comfort, anger, royalty

White: goodness, death

Activity D, pp. 3031

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

1. In the United States, white means


2. In Ancient Egypt, people used colors

to heal sicknesses.

3. In Japan, white can mean death.

4. In the United States, green makes

people think of money.

5. In China, green can represent a loss

of respect.

6. In Asia, yellow is the color of royalty.

7. In Europe, purple is the color of

royalty for kings and queens.

Activity E, p. 31

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

1. Although we may be unaware of it,

colors can affect us and have

different meanings.

2. Certain colors, such as those found

in nature, can have the same

meaning around the world.

3. Humans used color to treat illnesses.

4. The meaning of a color might vary in

different cultures.

5. Colors can affect our emotions,

thoughts, and actions.


Activity A, B, p. 31

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. I think that the color black

influenced the referees. Black can

mean death, something bad, or

something negative. I don’t think

the referees knew the colors were

influencing them. A team that is

wearing black uniforms may look

like a group of robbers or criminals.

Sometimes the referees must make

a very quick decision, and the color

influenced them.

2. My bedroom walls are white, so my

walls look clean and my bedroom

looks large. I like white because I can

decorate my walls with posters of

any color. I can use any color for my

bed. Someday I would like to change

the color to yellow. Yellow is a warm

and cheerful color.


Activity A, p. 32

The following should be circled:

1. warmth, comfort, anger

2. decrease pain

3. wedding dress

4. kings and queens

5. study, emotions

6. made, decisions, teams, uniforms

Activity B, p. 32

Answers will vary. Sample answers:

1. something that you feel; an emotion

2. to make better; to cure

3. a woman who is getting married at a


4. a king or queen; a prince or princess

5. the study of emotions

6. people whose job it is to make sure

players follow the rules of a sport



Activity A, p. 33

1. c

2. a

3. c

4. a

5. b

6. a

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


7. b

8. a

Activity C, p. 33

McDonalds, IBM, Microsoft, Dell, Apple, BP,


Activity D, p. 34

Answers will vary.


Activity B, p. 35


Activity C, p. 35

Name of




Feelings that colors



red and


bright, cheerful


Microsoft, Dell



peaceful, powerful


variety of




green and


nature, sun,

flowers, energy,

bright, cheerful,





safe, reliable,

boring, dependable

Activity D, p. 35

Answers will vary. Sample answers include:

1. McDonald’s uses red and yellow

because they are bright and cheerful


2. The UPS color is brown. It represents

safe and reliable service.

3. Computer companies use blue to

show that they are dependable and


4. BP’s green and yellow represent the

environment and are bright and


Activity E, pp. 3536

1. cheerful

2. reliable

3. positive

4. products

5. respond


Activity A, p. 36

Answers will vary. Example answers:

McDonalds: red, yellow

McDonald’s colors make me think of

them as a fun company. Their colors

are bright and remind me of


UPS: Brown

I think of brown as a serious color. It

is also the color of cardboard boxes.

BP: Green and yellow

The colors green and yellow make

me think BP is a more

environmentally friendly company.

Activity B, p. 36

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. McDonald’s uses red and yellow,

which are bright and cheerful colors.

They use red and yellow on all of

their cups and packages and in their

advertising. When I drive, I can

recognize a McDonald’s restaurant

from the colors. UPS uses brown.

Brown is not a lively color. It makes

me think the company is slow. many

computer companies use blue. I

think blue is a very serious color. It

makes me feel confident in the


2. I would use green and blue for the

shelves to create a relaxing

environment for the children. The

tables and reading area will be red

and yellow so that they look inviting

and children will want to sit and

read at them. The walls would be

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


white so that the room is not too



Activity A, p. 37

1. N

2. ADJ

3. ADJ

4. N

5. N

6. ADJ

7. ADJ

8. N

Activity B, p. 38

1. addition

2. emotional

3. natural

4. peace

5. person

Activity C, p. 41

1. nature

2. peaceful

3. person

4. emotional

5. additional


Activity A, p. 39

Answers will vary.

Activity B, p. 40

Answers will vary. Sample answer:

Activity C, p. 40

Companies and colors, Internet

companiesGoogle uses lots of

different colors, they are bright,

happy colorseBay also uses many

different bright colors. Are they the

same colors? My brother bought a

bicycle on eBay. He rides it to work.

Stores—Macy’s department store

uses red. I like the color red. It’s a

strong, exciting color. Macy’s uses a

red star in its advertisements.

I always think of the red star and

Macy’s. Sometimes I shop at Macy’s.

The red star is a good symbol. It’s

easy to remember and recognize.

Activity D, p. 41

Underline: Stores—Macy’s

department store uses red. I like the

color red. It’s a strong, exciting

color. Macy’s uses a red star in its

advertisements. I always think of the

red star and Macy’s. The red star is a

good symbol. It’s easy to remember

and recognize.

Activity E, p. 41

Answers will vary.











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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


Activity F, p. 41

Answers will vary.


Activity A, p. 43

1. will be

2. will encourage

3. will use

4. will, go

5. will, be

6. will love

7. will enjoy

8. will bring

9. will, use

10. will have

11. will offer

Activity B, p. 43



1. simple



It happens

every year.

2. simple



It happened

last week.

3. future

with will

will be

Next year is

the future.

Activity C, p. 44

Answers will vary. Sample answers:

1. My city will have more people living

in it in 50 years.

2. The busses in my town will move


3. Stores will be larger and have more

items to choose from.

4. There will be more pollution and

fewer trees in my town.

5. I will be older.

6. I will have children and


7. I will be retired.



Activity A, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

Activity B, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary

Activity C, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


The Q Classroom

Activity A, p. 46

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. I invited several friends to come for

dinner. I spent hours making a

delicious meal. Only one friend

came. The other friends never called

to tell me they couldn’t come. I

didn’t invite them for dinner again.

2. The young man is assisting a blind

man on a subway. He is being very

polite and helping the man find a


Activity B, p. 46

1. Saying “thank you,” “please,” and

“excuse me.” Don’t interrupt

people. Don’t ask personal

questions. Smile. Eat slowly. Don’t

be messy.

2. Answers will vary.


Activity A, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

Activity B, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary. Possible answers:



saying “please” and

“thank you”;

opening the door for

another person; offering

your seat to someone on

a bus; listening when

someone is speaking to

you; using polite

language for requests

(Could you, would you

mind, etc.)

talking loudly in public;

answering your cell

phone in a restaurant;

not returning someone’s

call; chewing with your

mouth open; staring at

someone; asking a

person’s age or weight



Activity A, pp. 4849

a. respect

b. behavior

c. awkward

d. make a good impression

e. firmly

f. manners

g. appropriately

h. gesture

Activity C, p. 49

The photos and captions suggest that this

article will be about manners such as

shaking hands, using eye contact, and giving

gifts in different cultures.

Activity D, p. 49

Answers will vary.


Activity B, pp. 5051

1. F Polite behavior is often different in

different countries.

2. T

3. F Personal space is different in

different cultures.

4. F Each country has a different

definition of being on time.

5. T

6. F It’s useful to learn about cultural


Activity C, p. 51

1. b

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. b

6. a

Activity D, p. 52



Country or Region



United States, the

Middle East



North America,

the Middle East,

Latin America

personal space


United States,







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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition



Vietnam, United



Activity E, p. 52

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. Examples differ from culture to

culture. In the United States, it is

polite to shake hands firmly and to

open a gift when it is given to you.

2. In the United States, people shake

hands firmly and for a short period

of time. In the Middle East, people

shake hands gently and for a longer


3. In North America the comfortable

distance is at arm’s length. Where I

live we stand closer together.

4. In Germany, you should arrive at

12:00. Where I live it is more polite

to arrive a bit later.

5. It shows that you care about the

other person’s culture and want to

make that person feel comfortable.


Activity A, B, pp. 57-58

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. In North America, when people are

speaking they stand about an arm’s

length apart. People stand closer

together in some places, such as

some countries in Latin American

and the Middle East.

2. I think body language is different in

different cultures because some

cultures are more formal than

others. For example, in cultures

where respect is very important, it’s

not always polite to greet someone

with a kiss on the cheek.


Activity A, p. 53

Main Idea: There are cultural differences in

the way people use personal space.

Detail: In North America people usually

stand about an arm’s length apart during a


Detail: in some countries in the Middle East

and Latin America, people stand closer.

Activity B, p. 53

1. Around the world cultures have

different ideas about giving gifts.

2. There are two supporting details: In

the United States, if people give you

a gift, you should open it while they

are with you. . . . In China, you

should open a gift after the person is


Activity C, p. 54

1. Another cultural difference is time.

2. Two examples: In Germany, it is

important to arrive on time. In

Argentina, polite dinner guests

usually come 30 to 60 minutes after

the time of the invitation.



Activity A, pp. 5455

1. c

2. a

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. c

7. a

8. c

Activity C, p. 55

giving/receiving gifts

table manners


Activity D, p. 55

Answers will vary.

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Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition



Activity B, p. 57

1. F Mansoor Al Ganem is worried

about correct business etiquette.

2. T

3. F Many Americans are informal at


4. T

5. F Carlos thinks business customs are

different in Egypt and in the U.S.

Activity C, p. 58

1. a. later

b. right away

2. a. travel, food, books, sports, family

b. age, salary, religion, politics

3. a. remove your shoes

b. don’t remove your shoes

4. a. discuss business

b. have informal conversation

before a meeting

5. a. are acceptable

b. are unacceptable

Activity D, pp. 5859

1. manners

2. informal

3. kitchen

4. polite

5. hosts

6. shoes

7. left

8. conversation

9. relationships

10. interrupt

Activity E, p. 59

Answers will vary. Sample answers:

1. Good table manners in the United

States include keeping elbows off

the table; chewing with your mouth

closed; complimenting the food

2. It is important to make your guests

feel comfortable, but it is also

important for visitors to learn about

your culture.


Activity A, p. 59

Answers will vary. Sample answers:

1. So that he/she is not rude or does

not upset his/her host. To show that

he/she is interested in and

knowledgeable about other


2. This is good advice unless your hosts

do not have good manners.

Activity B, p. 59

Answers will vary. Sample answers:

1. I think that people are less polite

today. This is because they are not

taught how to be polite from a

young age. People are less formal


2. People learn to be polite. This is one

reason why there are different

customs around the world.


Activity A, p. 60

in-: inappropriate, inexpensive,


im-: imperfect, impolite, impossible

un-: unclear, uncomfortable,

uncommon, undependable,

untraditional, unusual

Activity B, p. 61

1. dependable

2. unclear

3. unusual OR uncommon

4. impossible

5. comfortable

6. inexpensive

7. impolite OR inappropriate

8. traditional OR formal

9. uncomfortable

10. inappropriate OR impolite

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition



Activity A, p. 62

Circled: there are several appropriate gifts

to bring to a host

Underlined: flowers, Food, a small gift for

the home

Activity B, pp. 6263

1. in North America, people stand an

arm’s length apart. In some

countries in the Middle East and

Latin America, people stand closer.

2. in some Middle Eastern countries,

people hold the other person’s hand

gently for a longer time.

3. it is polite to be half an hour to an

hour late in Argentina.

4. in the United States, it is polite for

hosts to open a gift in front of the

gift giver.

5. it is impolite to interrupt a meeting

in the United States, but it is

common for others to come in the

room in Egypt.

Activity C, p. 63

Answers will vary. Sample answer:

Main idea: Many people are

impolite when using their cell


Supporting idea: People speak

loudly in public places.

Supporting idea: People use their

phones at dinner.

Supporting idea: People interrupt

conversations to answer their cell


Activity D, p. 63

Answers will vary. Sample answer:

Many people do not have good cell

phone manners, and they are

impolite when they use their cell

phones. For example, some people

speak loudly on the phone in public

places such as the movie theater, or

on the bus. When eating dinner with

friends or family, impolite people

may have their cell phones out and

play games or read text messages

rather than focus on the dinner

conversation. Other impolite people

interrupt conversations to answer

their cell phones. Instead, they

should allow their calls to go to

voicemail, and answer them later.

This way they can focus on the

conversation. If cell phone users

were more thoughtful of others,

they might be more polite.

Activity E., p. 64

Answers will vary.

Activity F., p. 64

Answers will vary.


Activity A, p. 65

1. Circled: brother

Underlined: lives

2. Circled: a man

Underlined: is

3. Circled: The police

Underlined: are

4. Circled: people

Underlined: use

5. Circled: This book

Underlined: gives

Activity B, p. 66

In my opinion, the most annoying

habit is talking on cell phones.


is talking talk on their cell phones all

the time. My brother always

interrupt interrupts our

conversations and answer answers

his phone. People like my brother

doesn’t don’t care about

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


manners. People talk on cell phones

in restaurants and in doctors’

offices. There

is are times when cell phones are

very annoying. Cell phones ring and

interrupts interrupt our

thoughts. People need to show

more respect for others. There is are

appropriate and

inappropriate places to use cell




Activity A, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

Activity B, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

Activity C, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


The Q Classroom

Activity A, p. 68

1. Answers will vary. Possible answers:

I like to play tennis and soccer. I like

to watch basketball.

2. They are competing in a swimming

competition. They are racing.

Activity B, p. 68

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

1. Yes, I think the home team has an

advantage because they have more

support from the people watching

the sport. Also, they may be more

familiar with the field or stadium

and the climate.

2. Some cyclists cheated in the Tour de

France because they used illegal



Activity A, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

Activity B, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.


Activity A, p. 70

a. compete

b. include

c. championship

d. effect

e. advantage

f. limit

g. solution

h. financial

Activity C, p. 71

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

Teams: Real Madrid, Manchester United,


People: Cristiano Ronaldo, Roman


The teams and the people are all involved

with sports, and they all have lots of money.

Activity D, p. 71

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

Wealthy teams are usually better than

poorer teams because they can afford

better equipment. Wealthier teams may

also be able to afford better players

because they can offer more competitive

salaries. Poorer teams cannot always afford

the best players or equipment, so they may

not be as good. Wealthy teams are better

teams because they can afford to be.


Activity B, p. 73

1. T

2. T

3. F The wealthiest teams sell their

tickets at high prices.

4. T

5. F There are no easy solutions to the

problem of wealthy teams having an

unfair advantage.

Activity C, p. 73

1. Real Madrid

2. He earned $21.9 million per year at

the time the article was written. He

must make more with Real Madrid

since he left Manchester to go to

Real Madrid.

3. They support the team financially.

4. Rich teams could support poor

teams or there could be a limit on

how much players can be paid.

5. They get corporate sponsors, they

sell tickets at high prices, they get

money from TV stations to

broadcast their games.

6. The team was bought by a billionaire

who invested a lot of money in the


Activity D, p. 74

1. five, two

2. Arsenal

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


3. value

4. Real Madrid

5. eighth

Activity E, p. 74

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

1. Solution: Rich teams give to poor

teams. Advantages: Poor teams

have more money to use for better

players. Disadvantages: Teams are

not financially motivated to do well.

2. Solution: Limit how much a player

can be paid. Advantages: Poorer

teams can afford to pay better

players. Disadvantages: Players are

not financially motivated to do well.

3. Solutions will vary.


Activity A, B, p. 75

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

1. American football, baseball, and

many other sports have wealthy and

poor teams. They have many of the

same problems.

2. I think their salaries are fair because

they have very short careers as

athletes, and they are likely to have

serious injuries that may affect the

rest of their lives.


Activity A, p. 75

Answers will vary.



Activity A, pp. 7677

1. ban

2. energy

3. artificial

4. reason

5. performance

6. equipment

7. invent

8. technology

Activity C, p. 77

The Technology Advantage: Better

Equipment, Better Performance

Activity D, p. 77

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

Running sneakers are always improving so

that runners can run longer distances,

faster. Skis might be changing so that skiers

can ski faster. Tennis racquets are lighter

than they used to be.


Activity B, p. 80

a. 6

b. 4

c. 1

d. 5

e. 3

f. 2

g. 7

Activity C, p. 80

1. They believe that technology makes

sports unfair because some people

can afford the new technology while

others cannot.

2. Swimmers could swim faster.

3. Swimmers began breaking many


4. FINA banned the swimsuits.

5. Fewer records were broken.

6. artificial legs, contact lenses, special


Activity D, p. 81

1. F The graph shows the fastest times

for women swimmers between 1998

and 2011.

2. F The slowest time was 1998, and

the fastest was 2009.

3. F The fastest time increased by less

than a second in 2009.

4. T

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


5. F Times decreased by almost 1

second between 1998 and 2011.

Activity E, p. 81

Answers will vary.

1. They can swim faster. They can

break records. They float better.

2. Opinions will vary.


Activity A, p. 81

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

1. I enjoy skateboarding. New wheels

have made the sport safer and allow

skateboarders to maneuver better.

People are doing many more tricks

than in the past, so I don’t think it is

safer than in the past. Also, I think it

is more difficult than in the past

because of the complexity of the


2. I think athletes today have more

history to draw from. They know

what works and what doesn’t. Also,

they have computer simulations to

help them learn.

Activity B, p. 81

Answers will vary.

1. I think the Olympic Games are not

completely fair because some

countries cannot afford to train their

athletes as well as other countries.

Also, sometimes athletes compete

for countries that they are not even

from because they were not able to

get on their country’s team.

2. Lots of training and advice from

coaches can improve an athlete’s

performance. I think a family’s

support can make the biggest



Activity A, pp. 8283

1. against, with, for, in

2. a. against, with b. for c. with d. in

3. “They had to compete against

several larger companies to get the


4. Answers will vary.

Activity B, p. 83

1. noun, adjective

2. adjective

3. noun, verb, adjective

4. abilities


Activity A, pp. 8485

1. “In my opinion, sports organizations

ought to have rules against contact

lenses in competitions.” In my

opinion signals the opinion.

2. In the first few sentences

3. Contact lenses give some players an

unfair advantage; Contact lenses are

too expensive for many golfers.

4. For this reason and is another


5. The concluding sentence restates

the topic.

Activity B, p. 85

Opinion: Sports organizations ought to have

rules against contact lenses in competitions.

Reason: They can give athletes an unfair


Supporting Details: Eyesight is extremely

important. Super-vision allows them to play

better than others.

Reason: High-tech contact lenses are very


Supporting Details: Players who cannot

afford these contact lenses are at a


Activity C, p. 86

Answers will vary.

Activity D, p. 87

Answers will vary.

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


Activity E, p. 87

Answers will vary.


Activity A, p. 88

Ought to is used in the topic sentence. Must

is used in the concluding sentence.

Activity B, p. 88

Answers will vary.

1. should not, they should learn to play

together more than compete against


2. should not, their performance will

be artificially superior to others

3. should, salaries are currently out of

control and unfair to teams that

cannot afford the more expensive


4. ought to, they will need more than

their athletic skills later in life



Activity A, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

Activity B, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

Activity C, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary.

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


The Q Classroom

Activity A, p. 90

1. Answers will vary. Possible answer:

My neighbor owns a family business.

it’s a dry cleaners. I think it’s

successful because it is usually busy.

I don’t know if it makes a lot of

money, though.

2. Answers will vary. Possible answer:

This is probably a father and son

who work together in a family

business. For a boat shop to be

successful, it probably needs to be

near a river, a lake, or the ocean.

Activity B, p. 91

1. Sophy’s uncle’s business is

successful because it’s the only

place in the area where you can get

Persian food.

2. Answers will vary.


Activity A, iQ Online Resource

1. b

2. a

3. c

4. d

Activity B, iQ Online Resource

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. When I was young, my grandparents

lived with us for many years. It was

nice to always have them at home.

2. My friend’s father works very hard

and travels a lot. I think it is difficult

for my friend because he wants his

father to be home more often.



Activity A, pp. 9293

1. courage

2. design

3. expert

4. unity

5. expand

6. strength

7. corporation

8. manage

Activity C, p. 93

Answers will vary.

Activity D, p. 93

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

I wouldn’t like to work in a family business.

My sister and I don’t always agree. I think

we would fight too much. In order for a

family business to succeed, family members

have to be able to work together without

getting frustrated.


Activity B, p. 93

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

Abdullah Al Hamad Al Zamil started a

business. His sons were part of the

business. They were modest and worked

hard. The family business is now a huge

corporation. While it’s hard for a family

business to be strong for many years, the

Zamil family business is successful.

Activity C, p. 94

1. Reading 2

2. Reading 1

3. Reading 2

4. Reading 1 and Reading 2

5. Reading 2


Activity B, p. 95

1. b

2. a

3. c

Activity C, p. 96

1. 3

2. 5

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Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition The Q Classroom
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Activity A, p. 2 Answers will vary. 1. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: READING 1
These people are an indoor ski area. PREVIEW THE READING
Year-round snow on their ski slopes Activity A, p. 4 makes these parks popular. 1. find out Activity B, p. 3 2. trend
1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: 3. spread
Yes, I think that is true. / No, I do not 4. contribute think that is true. 5. connect
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: 6. express Some things become popular 7. clear
because they are new and different. Activity C, p. 5 Answers may vary. PREVIEW THE UNIT
The article will talk about unusual
Activity A, iQ Online Resource things that advertisers do to
Answers will vary. Possible answers: promote products. Ad on TV: Activity D, p. 5 Advantages: Advertisers can Answers will vary.
target their ads to people who
watch certain types of shows. Use WORK WITH THE READING video. Activity B, p. 6
Disadvantages: Many people are 1. c watching TV shows over the 2. d
Internet. People mute the TV when 3. a ads come on. 4. b Word of mouth: Activity C, p. 6 Advantages: People
a. 4 This created buzz because people
listen to their friends. People are
like to participate and express their
likely to buy products that others own opinions. are talking about.
b. 3 Some other companies choose to
Disadvantages: Advertisers cannot
do something surprising so that
control this. Advertisers can’t be
people will remember their product sure the talk is positive. and spread their idea. Magazine ads:
c. 1 Every year companies spend
Advantages: can use colorful photos.
millions of dollars on advertising to Can use celebrities.
create buzz about their products—in
Disadvantages: People might not
other words, to get people talking
read it. Many people are not reading about them. magazines anymore. d. 6 There are many ways that
advertisers hope to make their AK-1 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
products popular: doing something WRITE WHAT YOU THINK
surprising or exciting, asking Activity A, B, pp. 7–8 customers to get involved, or
1. Answers will vary. Possible answer: connecting the product with I think Kit Kat had the most
something that people see regularly.
successful advertising method. They
e. 2 This is part of a new trend in
improved sales by more than 50
advertising in which companies pay
percent because they used ads that
for unusual events, hoping that
connected Kit Kat bars with coffee.
customers will talk more about their 2. Answers will vary. products.
f. 3 People were surprised to see a READING SKILL
blender cut a smartphone into small Activity A, p. 8
pieces. Everyone talked about the
1. Experts often influence our actions
videos and wanted to find out more and purchases. For example, a about the blenders.
doctor on a TV health show may Activity D, p. 7
recommend a medication. Because
1. Buzz means “people talk a lot about the doctor is an expert in
something because it is popular.”
healthcare, we expect her to be very 2. 39 kilometers knowledgeable about what
3. more than 1,300 kilometers per
medicines are best. We are more hour likely to follow her advice. 4. smartphones, rakes, sports
2. Other consumers also influence our equipment
purchases. When a consumer uses a
5. They connected Kit Kat bars with
product, we listen to his or her coffee.
opinion. On the Internet, consumers
6. Sales improved by more than 50
can write their opinions about percent.
products. For example, on some
7. Because more people will buy travel websites, people write
products that people are talking
reviews of hotels and restaurants. about.
Online bookstores share reviews Activity E, p. 7 from ordinary people. These
1. Felix Baumgartner performed a
websites are very popular because
stunt while wearing a space suit they show that people are with Red Bull’s name on it.
interested in consumers’ opinions.
2. Tom Dickson made videos showing Activity B, pp. 8–9
blenders mixing up unusual things. 1. c
3. Doritos asked their customers to
Key sentence: One idea that can contribute make their own TV ads.
to popularity is to do something very
4. they drink coffee often, and the ads unusual.
connected Kit Kats with coffee. 2. a
Key sentence: Some other companies
choose to do something surprising so that AK-2 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
people will remember their product and
3. because experts are knowledgeable spread their idea.
4. People are interested in consumers’ 3. c opinions.
Key Sentence: This created buzz because
5. a friend’s recommendations
people like to participate and express their Activity D, p. 13 own opinions. a. 4 4. b b. 5
Key Sentence: Another way to make a c. 1
product popular is to connect it in people’s d. 3
minds with something that they see often. e. 2 Activity E, p. 13 READING 2 1. influence PREVIEW THE READING 2. behavior Activity A, pp. 9–10 3. Experts 1. a 4. consumers 2. b 5. friends 3. b 6. recommendations 4. a 7. advertising 5. a Activity F, p. 13 6. a  1 7. b  3 8. b  4 Activity C, p. 10  6
 People make their shopping choices
because of what other people buy. WRITE WHAT YOU THINK Activity D, p, 10 Activity A, p. 14
Answers will vary. Possible answer: Answers will vary.
I bought a pair of expensive sneakers Activity B, p. 14
because all my friends had the same pair. I Answers will vary.
liked the way the sneakers looked, but they
were expensive. I wish I had saved my VOCABULARY SKILL money instead. Activity A, p. 14
Nouns: choice, connection, contribution, WORK WITH THE READING
discussion, enjoyment, gift, information, Activity B, p. 12 thought 1. a
Verbs: choose, connect, contribute, discuss, 2. b enjoy, give, inform, think Activity C, pp. 12–13 Activity B, p. 15
1. Social proof is how other people’s 1. V actions influence us. 2. N
2. They want to influence us to buy 3. V their products. 4. N AK-3 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition 5. N
2. c topic: classroom computers 6. V
controlling idea: are very helpful for 7. N students 8. V 3. a topic: many older adults 9. V
controlling idea: need a lesson on 10. N how to use a smartphone Activity C, p. 15 4. a topic: many new trends 1. studies
controlling idea: are actually old 2. reviews trends 3. influence Activity E, p. 18 4. comments 1. b 5. researches 2. b 6. study Activity F, p. 18 7. comments
Answers will vary. Possible answer: 8. influence
I have good reasons for not buying the latest fashions. WRITING SKILL Activity G, p. 19 Activity A, p. 17 Answers will vary. TS
Psychologists say that “social proof” Activity H, p. 19 influences us. Answers will vary. SS
One example of this is a sidewalk experiment. GRAMMAR SS
When a group of four people looked Activity A, p. 21
up at the sky on a busy sidewalk, 80 1. Nowadays more and more
percent of the passersby looked up companies are making at the sky.
advertisements that involve their CS
A group of people influences the
customers. These companies are behavior of others.
using many creative ways to help Activity B, p. 17 products become more popular. 1. b
Researchers believe social proof is 2. c
the idea behind this trend. This is 3. a
because when we are not sure what Activity C, p. 17
to do, we look at what others are
Topic sentence: Friends influence us the
doing. More and more people are
most—more than experts, crowds, or other
using smartphones and social media consumers.
to share news about their purchases Activity D, p. 17–18 with their friends.
1. b topic: the most popular clothing 2. a
controlling idea: is not always 3. c popular the next year Activity B, pp. 21–22 1. are using 2. are following AK-4 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition 3. are copying 4. are buying 5. are complaining 6. is spreading 7. is improving 8. are losing 9. is, trying 10. are being UNIT ASSIGNMENT PLAN AND WRITE
Activity A, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary. AK-5 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition The Q Classroom READING 1 Activity A, p. 24 PREVIEW THE READING
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Activity A, pp. 26–27
1. I like blue because it is easy to look a. represent
at. It’s a calm color. It’s easy to b. affect match blue with other colors. c. emotions
2. Yellow walls will probably make me d. culture
feel warm and happy. It’s a cheerful e. universal color. f. unaware
3. The colors make the town appear g. psychology bright and friendly. h. specific Activity B, p. 24 Activity C, p. 27
1. The students mention bright colors,
1. There are five sections. The painting
burgundy, dark blue, gold, white,
is related to the section called and pink Cultural meaning. 2. Answers will vary. 2. Cultural meaning
3. Orange and red are warm colors. PREVIEW THE UNIT
Blue and green are cool colors.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource 4. Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Activity D, p. 27
1. Valeria wears blue because it makes
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
her feel like she is in a dream. Tom
The color red makes me feel happy. Red is a
likes red because it is a warm, bright
warm color and makes me feel safe. When I
color. Stephin wears brown because
think of the color red, I am reminded of
all browns go together. Also, brown leaves in the fall.
doesn’t show stains and it matches
his hair and eyes. Elizabeth wears WORK WITH THE READING
green because it makes her think of Activity B, p. 30 nature. 1. T
2. Blue makes me feel cold. It reminds
2. F Colors can have several meanings. me of water. 3. T
3. I like to wear blue because there are 4. T
many different kinds of blue. It is
5. F Research studies about color
easy to match. It makes me feel
psychology show that color affects relaxed. our actions or emotions.
4. I don’t like to wear orange. It is too Activity C, p. 30
bright. It doesn’t look good with my
Blue: air, water, peace, calmness, sadness, skin and hair. decreased pain
Green: life, nature, calmness, sadness, money, loss of respect
Red: anger, warmth, comfort, danger AK-6 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
Yellow: warmth, comfort, anger, royalty
Sometimes the referees must make White: goodness, death
a very quick decision, and the color Activity D, pp. 30–31 influenced them.
Answers will vary. Possible answers include:
2. My bedroom walls are white, so my
1. In the United States, white means
walls look clean and my bedroom goodness.
looks large. I like white because I can
2. In Ancient Egypt, people used colors
decorate my walls with posters of to heal sicknesses.
any color. I can use any color for my
3. In Japan, white can mean death.
bed. Someday I would like to change
4. In the United States, green makes
the color to yellow. Yellow is a warm people think of money. and cheerful color.
5. In China, green can represent a loss of respect. READING SKILL
6. In Asia, yellow is the color of royalty. Activity A, p. 32
7. In Europe, purple is the color of
The following should be circled: royalty for kings and queens. 1. warmth, comfort, anger Activity E, p. 31 2. decrease pain
Answers will vary. Possible answers include: 3. wedding dress
1. Although we may be unaware of it, 4. kings and queens colors can affect us and have 5. study, emotions different meanings.
6. made, decisions, teams, uniforms
2. Certain colors, such as those found Activity B, p. 32 in nature, can have the same
Answers will vary. Sample answers: meaning around the world.
1. something that you feel; an emotion
3. Humans used color to treat illnesses. 2. to make better; to cure
4. The meaning of a color might vary in
3. a woman who is getting married at a different cultures. wedding
5. Colors can affect our emotions,
4. a king or queen; a prince or princess thoughts, and actions. 5. the study of emotions
6. people whose job it is to make sure WRITE WHAT YOU THINK
players follow the rules of a sport Activity A, B, p. 31
Answers will vary. Possible answers: READING 2
1. I think that the color black PREVIEW THE READING
influenced the referees. Black can Activity A, p. 33 mean death, something bad, or 1. c
something negative. I don’t think 2. a
the referees knew the colors were 3. c
influencing them. A team that is 4. a
wearing black uniforms may look 5. b
like a group of robbers or criminals. 6. a AK-7 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition 7. b 4. products 8. a 5. respond Activity C, p. 33
McDonalds, IBM, Microsoft, Dell, Apple, BP, WRITE WHAT YOU THINK UPS Activity A, p. 36 Activity D, p. 34
Answers will vary. Example answers: Answers will vary. McDonald’s: red, yellow
McDonald’s colors make me think of WORK WITH THE READING
them as a fun company. Their colors Activity B, p. 35 are bright and remind me of  2 childhood. Activity C, p. 35 UPS: Brown Name of Company Feelings that colors
I think of brown as a serious color. It company colors give
is also the color of cardboard boxes. McDonald’s red and bright, cheerful BP: Green and yellow yellow
The colors green and yellow make IBM, blue dependable, Microsoft, Dell peaceful, powerful me think BP is a more Apple variety of fun
environmentally friendly company. colors Activity B, p. 36 BP green and nature, sun,
Answers will vary. Possible answers: yellow flowers, energy,
1. McDonald’s uses red and yellow, bright, cheerful, environmentally
which are bright and cheerful colors. friendly
They use red and yellow on all of UPS brown safe, reliable,
their cups and packages and in their boring, dependable
advertising. When I drive, I can Activity D, p. 35
recognize a McDonald’s restaurant
Answers will vary. Sample answers include:
from the colors. UPS uses brown.
1. McDonald’s uses red and yellow
Brown is not a lively color. It makes
because they are bright and cheerful
me think the company is slow. many colors.
computer companies use blue. I
2. The UPS color is brown. It represents
think blue is a very serious color. It safe and reliable service.
makes me feel confident in the
3. Computer companies use blue to companies.
show that they are dependable and
2. I would use green and blue for the powerful. shelves to create a relaxing
4. BP’s green and yellow represent the
environment for the children. The
environment and are bright and
tables and reading area will be red cheerful.
and yellow so that they look inviting Activity E, pp. 35–36
and children will want to sit and 1. cheerful
read at them. The walls would be 2. reliable 3. positive AK-8 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
white so that the room is not too distracting. hardiness strength VOCABULARY SKILL Activity A, p. 37 red 1. N bravery valor 2. ADJ 3. ADJ vigilance perseverance 4. N 5. N blue 6. ADJ loyalty justice 7. ADJ 8. N Activity B, p. 38 Activity C, p. 40 1. addition
Companies and colors, Internet 2. emotional
companies—Google uses lots of 3. natural
different colors, they are bright, 4. peace
happy colors—eBay also uses many 5. person
different bright colors. Are they the Activity C, p. 41
same colors? My brother bought a 1. nature
bicycle on eBay. He rides it to work. 2. peaceful
Stores—Macy’s department store 3. person
uses red. I like the color red. It’s a 4. emotional
strong, exciting color. Macy’s uses a 5. additional
red star in its advertisements.
I always think of the red star and WRITING SKILL
Macy’s. Sometimes I shop at Macy’s. Activity A, p. 39
The red star is a good symbol. It’s Answers will vary.
easy to remember and recognize. Activity B, p. 40 Activity D, p. 41
Answers will vary. Sample answer: Underline: Stores—Macy’s
department store uses red. I like the
color red. It’s a strong, exciting
color. Macy’s uses a red star in its
advertisements. I always think of the
red star and Macy’s. The red star is a
good symbol. It’s easy to remember and recognize. Activity E, p. 41 Answers will vary. AK-9 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition Activity F, p. 41 UNIT ASSIGNMENT Answers will vary. PLAN AND WRITE
Activity A, iQ Online Resource GRAMMAR Answers will vary. Activity A, p. 43
Activity B, iQ Online Resource 1. will be Answers will vary 2. will encourage
Activity C, iQ Online Resource 3. will use Answers will vary. 4. will, go 5. will, be 6. will love 7. will enjoy 8. will bring 9. will, use 10. will have 11. will offer Activity B, p. 43 Example Reason 1. simple introduce It happens present every year. 2. simple announced It happened past last week. 3. future will be Next year is with will the future. Activity C, p. 44
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. My city will have more people living in it in 50 years.
2. The busses in my town will move faster.
3. Stores will be larger and have more items to choose from.
4. There will be more pollution and fewer trees in my town. 5. I will be older. 6. I will have children and grandchildren. 7. I will be retired. AK-10 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition The Q Classroom c. awkward Activity A, p. 46 d. make a good impression
Answers will vary. Possible answers: e. firmly
1. I invited several friends to come for f. manners
dinner. I spent hours making a g. appropriately
delicious meal. Only one friend h. gesture
came. The other friends never called Activity C, p. 49
to tell me they couldn’t come. I
The photos and captions suggest that this
didn’t invite them for dinner again.
article will be about manners such as
2. The young man is assisting a blind
shaking hands, using eye contact, and giving
man on a subway. He is being very gifts in different cultures.
polite and helping the man find a Activity D, p. 49 seat. Answers will vary. Activity B, p. 46
1. Saying “thank you,” “please,” and WORK WITH THE READING
“excuse me.” Don’t interrupt Activity B, pp. 50–51 people. Don’t ask personal
1. F Polite behavior is often different in
questions. Smile. Eat slowly. Don’t different countries. be messy. 2. T 2. Answers will vary.
3. F Personal space is different in different cultures. PREVIEW THE UNIT
4. F Each country has a different
Activity A, iQ Online Resource definition of being on time. Answers will vary. 5. T
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
6. F It’s useful to learn about cultural
Answers will vary. Possible answers: differences. Activity C, p. 51 Polite Rude 1. b saying “please” and talking loudly in public; 2. a “thank you”; answering your cell 3. c opening the door for phone in a restaurant; another person; offering not returning someone’s 4. b
your seat to someone on call; chewing with your 5. b a bus; listening when mouth open; staring at 6. a someone is speaking to someone; asking a Activity D, p. 52 you; using polite person’s age or weight Paragraph language for requests Country or Region Topic Number (Could you, would you 2 United States, the greetings mind, etc.) Middle East 4 North America, personal space READING 1 the Middle East, PREVIEW THE READING Latin America Activity A, pp. 48–49 5 United States, gift-giving a. respect China 6 Germany, time b. behavior Argentina AK-11 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition 7 Vietnam, United gestures
Main Idea: There are cultural differences in States
the way people use personal space.
Detail: In North America people usually Activity E, p. 52
stand about an arm’s length apart during a
Answers will vary. Possible answers: conversation.
1. Examples differ from culture to
Detail: in some countries in the Middle East
culture. In the United States, it is
and Latin America, people stand closer.
polite to shake hands firmly and to Activity B, p. 53
open a gift when it is given to you.
1. Around the world cultures have
2. In the United States, people shake
different ideas about giving gifts.
hands firmly and for a short period
2. There are two supporting details: In
of time. In the Middle East, people
the United States, if people give you
shake hands gently and for a longer
a gift, you should open it while they time.
are with you. . . . In China, you
3. In North America the comfortable
should open a gift after the person is
distance is at arm’s length. Where I gone.
live we stand closer together. Activity C, p. 54
4. In Germany, you should arrive at
1. Another cultural difference is time.
12:00. Where I live it is more polite
2. Two examples: In Germany, it is to arrive a bit later.
important to arrive on time. In
5. It shows that you care about the
Argentina, polite dinner guests
other person’s culture and want to
usually come 30 to 60 minutes after
make that person feel comfortable. the time of the invitation. WRITE WHAT YOU THINK READING 2 Activity A, B, pp. 57-58 PREVIEW THE READING
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Activity A, pp. 54–55
1. In North America, when people are 1. c
speaking they stand about an arm’s 2. a
length apart. People stand closer 3. a
together in some places, such as 4. b
some countries in Latin American 5. b and the Middle East. 6. c
2. I think body language is different in 7. a
different cultures because some 8. c cultures are more formal than Activity C, p. 55
others. For example, in cultures  giving/receiving gifts
where respect is very important, it’s  table manners
not always polite to greet someone  formality with a kiss on the cheek. Activity D, p. 55 Answers will vary. READING SKILL Activity A, p. 53 AK-12 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition WORK WITH THE READING Activity B, p. 57 WRITE WHAT YOU THINK
1. F Mansoor Al Ganem is worried Activity A, p. 59
about correct business etiquette.
Answers will vary. Sample answers: 2. T
1. So that he/she is not rude or does
3. F Many Americans are informal at
not upset his/her host. To show that home. he/she is interested in and 4. T knowledgeable about other
5. F Carlos thinks business customs are cultures.
different in Egypt and in the U.S.
2. This is good advice unless your hosts Activity C, p. 58 do not have good manners. 1. a. later Activity B, p. 59 b. right away
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
2. a. travel, food, books, sports, family
1. I think that people are less polite
b. age, salary, religion, politics
today. This is because they are not 3. a. remove your shoes
taught how to be polite from a b. don’t remove your shoes
young age. People are less formal 4. a. discuss business now. b. have informal conversation
2. People learn to be polite. This is one before a meeting
reason why there are different 5. a. are acceptable customs around the world. b. are unacceptable Activity D, pp. 58–59 VOCABULARY SKILL 1. manners Activity A, p. 60 2. informal
in-: inappropriate, inexpensive, 3. kitchen informal 4. polite
im-: imperfect, impolite, impossible 5. hosts
un-: unclear, uncomfortable, 6. shoes uncommon, undependable, 7. left untraditional, unusual 8. conversation Activity B, p. 61 9. relationships 1. dependable 10. interrupt 2. unclear Activity E, p. 59 3. unusual OR uncommon
Answers will vary. Sample answers: 4. impossible
1. Good table manners in the United 5. comfortable
States include keeping elbows off 6. inexpensive
the table; chewing with your mouth 7. impolite OR inappropriate
closed; complimenting the food 8. traditional OR formal
2. It is important to make your guests 9. uncomfortable
feel comfortable, but it is also 10. inappropriate OR impolite
important for visitors to learn about your culture. AK-13 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition WRITING SKILL
on the bus. When eating dinner with Activity A, p. 62
friends or family, impolite people
Circled: there are several appropriate gifts
may have their cell phones out and to bring to a host
play games or read text messages
Underlined: flowers, Food, a small gift for
rather than focus on the dinner the home
conversation. Other impolite people Activity B, pp. 62–63
interrupt conversations to answer
1. in North America, people stand an
their cell phones. Instead, they arm’s length apart. In some
should allow their calls to go to
countries in the Middle East and
voicemail, and answer them later.
Latin America, people stand closer.
This way they can focus on the
2. in some Middle Eastern countries,
conversation. If cell phone users
people hold the other person’s hand
were more thoughtful of others, gently for a longer time. they might be more polite.
3. it is polite to be half an hour to an Activity E., p. 64 hour late in Argentina. Answers will vary.
4. in the United States, it is polite for Activity F., p. 64
hosts to open a gift in front of the Answers will vary. gift giver.
5. it is impolite to interrupt a meeting GRAMMAR
in the United States, but it is Activity A, p. 65
common for others to come in the 1. Circled: brother room in Egypt. Underlined: lives Activity C, p. 63 2. Circled: a man
Answers will vary. Sample answer: Underlined: is Main idea: Many people are 3. Circled: The police
impolite when using their cell Underlined: are phones. 4. Circled: people Supporting idea: People speak Underlined: use loudly in public places. 5. Circled: This book
Supporting idea: People use their Underlined: gives phones at dinner. Activity B, p. 66
Supporting idea: People interrupt
In my opinion, the most annoying
conversations to answer their cell
habit is talking on cell phones. phones. People Activity D, p. 63
is talking talk on their cell phones all
Answers will vary. Sample answer: the time. My brother always
Many people do not have good cell interrupt interrupts our phone manners, and they are
conversations and answer answers
impolite when they use their cell
his phone. People like my brother
phones. For example, some people doesn’t don’t care about
speak loudly on the phone in public
places such as the movie theater, or AK-14 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
manners. People talk on cell phones
in restaurants and in doctors’ offices. There
is are times when cell phones are
very annoying. Cell phones ring and interrupts interrupt our thoughts. People need to show
more respect for others. There is are appropriate and
inappropriate places to use cell phones. UNIT ASSIGNMENT PLAN AND WRITE
Activity A, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary. AK-15 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition The Q Classroom Activity D, p. 71 Activity A, p. 68
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
1. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Wealthy teams are usually better than
I like to play tennis and soccer. I like
poorer teams because they can afford to watch basketball.
better equipment. Wealthier teams may
2. They are competing in a swimming
also be able to afford better players competition. They are racing.
because they can offer more competitive Activity B, p. 68
salaries. Poorer teams cannot always afford
Answers will vary. Possible answers include:
the best players or equipment, so they may
1. Yes, I think the home team has an
not be as good. Wealthy teams are better
advantage because they have more
teams because they can afford to be.
support from the people watching
the sport. Also, they may be more WORK WITH THE READING
familiar with the field or stadium Activity B, p. 73 and the climate. 1. T
2. Some cyclists cheated in the Tour de 2. T
France because they used illegal
3. F The wealthiest teams sell their drugs. tickets at high prices. 4. T PREVIEW THE UNIT
5. F There are no easy solutions to the
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
problem of wealthy teams having an Answers will vary. unfair advantage.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Activity C, p. 73 Answers will vary. 1. Real Madrid
2. He earned $21.9 million per year at READING 1
the time the article was written. He Activity A, p. 70
must make more with Real Madrid a. compete
since he left Manchester to go to b. include Real Madrid. c. championship
3. They support the team financially. d. effect
4. Rich teams could support poor e. advantage
teams or there could be a limit on f. limit how much players can be paid. g. solution
5. They get corporate sponsors, they h. financial
sell tickets at high prices, they get Activity C, p. 71 money from TV stations to
Answers will vary. Possible answers include: broadcast their games.
Teams: Real Madrid, Manchester United,
6. The team was bought by a billionaire Barcelona
who invested a lot of money in the
People: Cristiano Ronaldo, Roman team. Abramovich Activity D, p. 74
The teams and the people are all involved 1. five, two
with sports, and they all have lots of money. 2. Arsenal AK-16 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition 3. value 7. invent 4. Real Madrid 8. technology 5. eighth Activity C, p. 77 Activity E, p. 74
The Technology Advantage: Better
Answers will vary. Possible answers include: Equipment, Better Performance
1. Solution: Rich teams give to poor Activity D, p. 77 teams. Advantages: Poor teams
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
have more money to use for better
Running sneakers are always improving so
players. Disadvantages: Teams are
that runners can run longer distances,
not financially motivated to do well.
faster. Skis might be changing so that skiers
2. Solution: Limit how much a player
can ski faster. Tennis racquets are lighter
can be paid. Advantages: Poorer than they used to be.
teams can afford to pay better
players. Disadvantages: Players are WORK WITH THE READING
not financially motivated to do well. Activity B, p. 80 3. Solutions will vary. a. 6 b. 4 WRITE WHAT YOU THINK c. 1 Activity A, B, p. 75 d. 5
Answers will vary. Possible answers include: e. 3
1. American football, baseball, and f. 2
many other sports have wealthy and g. 7
poor teams. They have many of the Activity C, p. 80 same problems.
1. They believe that technology makes
2. I think their salaries are fair because
sports unfair because some people
they have very short careers as
can afford the new technology while
athletes, and they are likely to have others cannot.
serious injuries that may affect the
2. Swimmers could swim faster. rest of their lives.
3. Swimmers began breaking many records. READING SKILL 4. FINA banned the swimsuits. Activity A, p. 75 5. Fewer records were broken. Answers will vary.
6. artificial legs, contact lenses, special shoes READING 2 Activity D, p. 81 PREVIEW THE READING
1. F The graph shows the fastest times Activity A, pp. 76–77
for women swimmers between 1998 1. ban and 2011. 2. energy
2. F The slowest time was 1998, and 3. artificial the fastest was 2009. 4. reason
3. F The fastest time increased by less 5. performance than a second in 2009. 6. equipment 4. T AK-17 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
5. F Times decreased by almost 1 1. against, with, for, in second between 1998 and 2011.
2. a. against, with b. for c. with d. in Activity E, p. 81
3. “They had to compete against Answers will vary.
several larger companies to get the
1. They can swim faster. They can contract.”
break records. They float better. 4. Answers will vary. 2. Opinions will vary. Activity B, p. 83 1. noun, adjective WRITE WHAT YOU THINK 2. adjective Activity A, p. 81 3. noun, verb, adjective
Answers will vary. Possible answers include: 4. abilities
1. I enjoy skateboarding. New wheels
have made the sport safer and allow WRITING SKILL
skateboarders to maneuver better. Activity A, pp. 84–85
People are doing many more tricks
1. “In my opinion, sports organizations
than in the past, so I don’t think it is
ought to have rules against contact
safer than in the past. Also, I think it
lenses in competitions.” In my
is more difficult than in the past
opinion signals the opinion.
because of the complexity of the 2. In the first few sentences tricks.
3. Contact lenses give some players an
2. I think athletes today have more
unfair advantage; Contact lenses are
history to draw from. They know
too expensive for many golfers.
what works and what doesn’t. Also,
4. For this reason and is another
they have computer simulations to reason help them learn.
5. The concluding sentence restates Activity B, p. 81 the topic. Answers will vary. Activity B, p. 85
1. I think the Olympic Games are not
Opinion: Sports organizations ought to have completely fair because some
rules against contact lenses in competitions.
countries cannot afford to train their
Reason: They can give athletes an unfair
athletes as well as other countries. advantage.
Also, sometimes athletes compete
Supporting Details: Eyesight is extremely
for countries that they are not even
important. Super-vision allows them to play
from because they were not able to better than others.
get on their country’s team.
Reason: High-tech contact lenses are very
2. Lots of training and advice from expensive.
coaches can improve an athlete’s
Supporting Details: Players who cannot
performance. I think a family’s
afford these contact lenses are at a support can make the biggest disadvantage. difference. Activity C, p. 86 Answers will vary. VOCABULARY SKILL Activity D, p. 87 Activity A, pp. 82–83 Answers will vary. AK-18 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition Activity E, p. 87 Answers will vary. GRAMMAR Activity A, p. 88
Ought to is used in the topic sentence. Must
is used in the concluding sentence. Activity B, p. 88 Answers will vary.
1. should not, they should learn to play
together more than compete against others
2. should not, their performance will
be artificially superior to others
3. should, salaries are currently out of
control and unfair to teams that
cannot afford the more expensive athletes
4. ought to, they will need more than
their athletic skills later in life UNIT ASSIGNMENT PLAN AND WRITE
Activity A, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource Answers will vary. AK-19 Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition The Q Classroom 3. expert Activity A, p. 90 4. unity
1. Answers will vary. Possible answer: 5. expand
My neighbor owns a family business. 6. strength
it’s a dry cleaners. I think it’s 7. corporation
successful because it is usually busy. 8. manage
I don’t know if it makes a lot of Activity C, p. 93 money, though. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Activity D, p. 93
This is probably a father and son
Answers will vary. Possible answer: who work together in a family
I wouldn’t like to work in a family business.
business. For a boat shop to be
My sister and I don’t always agree. I think
successful, it probably needs to be
we would fight too much. In order for a
near a river, a lake, or the ocean.
family business to succeed, family members Activity B, p. 91
have to be able to work together without
1. Sophy’s uncle’s business is getting frustrated.
successful because it’s the only
place in the area where you can get READING SKILL Persian food. Activity B, p. 93 2. Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
Abdullah Al Hamad Al Zamil started a PREVIEW THE UNIT
business. His sons were part of the
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
business. They were modest and worked 1. b
hard. The family business is now a huge 2. a
corporation. While it’s hard for a family 3. c
business to be strong for many years, the 4. d
Zamil family business is successful.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource Activity C, p. 94
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Reading 2
1. When I was young, my grandparents 2. Reading 1
lived with us for many years. It was 3. Reading 2
nice to always have them at home. 4. Reading 1 and Reading 2
2. My friend’s father works very hard 5. Reading 2
and travels a lot. I think it is difficult
for my friend because he wants his WORK WITH THE READING father to be home more often. Activity B, p. 95 1. b READING 1 2. a PREVIEW THE READING 3. c Activity A, pp. 92–93 Activity C, p. 96 1. courage 1. 3 2. design 2. 5 AK-20

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.