The West Carroll Gazette from Oak Grove, Louisiana (2024)

Woman's Viewpoint Melba K. West, Society Editor Phone 428-3207 November wedding plans revealed by Miss Carol Sawyer, Michael Costello Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sawyer announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Carol Lauren, to Charles Michael Costello, of Mer Rouge. Mr.

Costello is the son of Mrs. Sally Costello, of Oak Grove, and the late Charles H. Costello. The wedding has been calendared for Saturday, November 17, at 4 p.m. in First United Methodist 1 Church, Oak Grove.

The Rev. Fred W. Schwendimann, pastor, will perform the ceremony. Miss Anna Maria Sawyer will serve her sister as maid of honor and Mrs. James Walter Jernigan, of Monroe, will be matron of honor.

Bridesmaids will be Mrs. Roger Maxwell, of Mer Rouge, sister of the prospective groom; Mrs. David East, of Mer Rouge, sister of the future groom; Misses Carolyn and Annette Williams, of Oak Ridge; Miss Bertha Kathryn Rountree, of Oak Grove and Miss Anna a Verline Olinde, of New Orleans, niece of the brideelect. Larry E. Costello will attend his brother as best man and groomsmen-ushers will be Charles K.

Costello, of Oak Grove, brother of the future groom; Thomas Harry Sawyer, of Baton Rouge, brother of the bride-elect; Heber Earl Costello, Robert Norman Costello and Richard Michael Butler, all of Oak Grove; Jerry Philley and Ronnie Walling, both of Monroe. Miss Sawyer is the granddaughter of Mrs. Sally Bethard Mrs. Griffis hosts Kilbourne HD club Kilbourne Home Demonstration club met in the home of Mrs. Winnie Griffis on September 24.

The club was called to order by Mrs. C. A. Tullos. Pledge to the flag was given by the members.

Scriptures taken from Genesis were read by Mrs. Griffis. A prayer was offered by Mrs. Bobo. The group sang the song "Work For The Night Is Minutes were read by Mrs.

Dawkins. Roll was called by Mrs. Dawkins. Fourteen members and their visitors, Mrs. Fannie Hill, Mrs.

Hattie McDowell and Mrs. Effie Hill, who became new members, attended. The group discussed the fair and hobby day which will be held at the Teen Center November 15. Suggestions about the new year book were made and a lesson on fashions was given by Mrs. Boyte.

The group heard reports about wills and heirs. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Griffis and Mrs. Leo Harper. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs.

C. A. Tullos. Replaced By A Cart? Isn't it interesting the way carts have taken the place of caddies on the golf course? Let's face it, the carts have three big advantages: they don't cost; they don't criticize; and they don't count. SEW WHAT? THIS WEEK'S PATTERN'S BY AUDREY LANE 3239 4 12 Darling Robe A darling little robe for the youngster wearing 4 to 12 size.

No. 3239 in a size 8 takes yards of 44. inch material. 1162 1162 LACY COLLAR Follow the new feminine trend of fashion by dressing up a suit or dress with these handsome handcrocheted accessories. Send for each dress pattern, 30 for each needlework pattern (add for each dress pattern, for each needlework pattern for mailing and handling) to AUDREY LANE BUREAU, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950.

The West Carroll Gazette, Thursday, Oct. 4, 1973 Page 11 Oak Grove Personals als Bicycler's Beef Use 3 cups cooked beef, cut into very thin strips. Place in a large bowl. In a small bowl combine 1 pint (2 cups) dairy sour cream, cup Rose wine, 1 clove garlic, mashed, 1 teaspoon salt, teaspoon pepper, teaspoon oregano, teaspoon basil, cup chopped ripe or green olives, cup chopped carrots and cup chopped parsley. Mix Pour over beef and blend well.

Cover and refrigerate several hours to blend flavors. Carry to picnic in a covered, insulated container. To serve, place beef mixture in lettuce cups, sprinkle with paprika and garnish with cherry tomatoes. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Epps Garden club meets recently at Miller home The Epps Garden Club held its first meeting recently in the home of Lou Miller with Sybil Gilmore and 'Mattie Hawkins serving as co-hostesses.

Mayor E. C. Jones was featured speaker. He gave an interesting talk on problems of our town: roads, water, sewerage, sidewalks, police protection and also financial difficulties faced by small towns. The club presented him with a gift.

The club voted to hold a flower show this year to be held in the home of Mattie Hawkins. The horticulture report was read by Erline Jones. Jerrene Martin displayed an attractive flower arrangement suitable for a foyer. Her remarks were quite interesting. Yard-of-the-Month was presented to Lorena Roberts.

Secretarial duties were performed by Erline Jones in the absence of the secretary. Delicious refreshments were served to 17 members. The meeting closed with the reading of a poem entitled "Coming Mrs. S. R.

Longmire spent last Sunday through Friday visiting with Mrs. David C. Thrush, of West Monroe. One day during the week Mrs. Longmire and Mrs.

Thrush visited with Harold Dosher, Mrs. Thrush's father, in a Shreveport hospital, where he was reported improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Everett, of Monroe, visited Sunday in Oak Grove with E.

E. Hurley, Kendall Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Everett, Mark and Jackie. Mr.

and Mrs. Larry Dean Jackson announce the arrival of their first child, Larry Dean who arrived September 26 in Glenwood Hospital, West Monroe. Dean tipped the scales at 8 pounds and 1 ounce. Paternal grandparents are Mrs. Miriam Jackson and the late George L.

Jackson and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. H. (Bobby) Brumley, all of Oak Grove.

Charlotte Brackett and Lesa Dunlap, LTU student, spent the weekend in Memphis, as team members of a Lay Witness Mission held in Fellowship Baptist church. Rosemary LaBauve and Annette Doyle, of Baton Rouge, spent the weekend with Annette's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Doyle. Mrs.

Jenny Bell Bradley spent Thursday through Sunday with her daughter and her Bridge club meets with Mrs. McKee The Four Clover Bridge club met in the home of Mrs. A. R. McKee, Wednesday of last week.

An arrangement of spider lilies graced the living room. Mrs. McKee served chicken salad, cake and coffee to her guests prior to the games. Mrs. McKee captured high score for the evening and Mrs.

Ruth Hankins won second. Bingo prizes went to Mrs. Ada Lee, Mrs. Sam McIntosh and Mrs. Hankins.

Others attending were Mrs. Monti Hayes, of Monroe, Mrs. Essie Leach, Mrs. Laura Morse and Miss Opel Moss. Mrs.

McKee presented Mrs. Hayes a guest prize. ANNOUNCING ING GARY COCHRAN Gary Cochran, Kilbourne, Has Joined The Staff As Salesman. Gary Invites His Friends To Come By And Visit And Take A Look At The New '74 Fords And Mercurys. Audis Hatten Harry LaFoe Audis Hatten and Harry LaFoe are also members of our friendly salesman team.

Come see them today for the deal of your lifetime. BOGGS FORD Ford MERCURY N. Briggs St. Oak Grove family, Mr. and Mrs.

Vaughn Carroll, Marty and Ricky, of Bastrop. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Hurley, of Monroe, the weekend with their parents, Mr. Mrs.

Jack Everett, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hurley. Dr. and Mrs.

Kenneth S. Fleming, of Canfield, Ohio, spent last week visiting with Mrs. Frances Kuykendall and John C. Briggs. Mrs.

Lois Thompson, Mrs. Jamie Smith and Mrs. Martha Pollard attended the wedding of Mr. Mike Pollard and Miss Belinda Thorpe in Tallulah Saturday. Others from Oak Grove also attended the wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jones, of Monroe, visited Mr. and Mrs. M.

A. Richburg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Everett, of Monroe, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Everett. Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. 0.

D. Freeland, of Mer Rouge, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harles Creech and Carol. Mrs.

Jean Harris and Glenda visited in Jonesville during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taunton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taunton and Mr.

and Mrs. McClure. Mrs. Louise Butler spent the week in Prairieville with her mother, Mrs. J.

M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. C.

A. Rougeou and Robin, of Bunky, spent the weekend with Mrs. T. L. Castleman and Miss Mary Alice Castleman.

Mrs. Rougeou and Robin remained for a longer visit until Wednesday. Mrs. J. B.

Quimby, of Natchitoches, accompanied them home. Mrs. Quimby had been visiting in the Castleman home for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs.

J. B. Newcomer, of Delhi, visited Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H.

L. Cheatham. Mr. and Mrs. C.

J. Remore, of Winnsboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Eli Garsee, Sam, Anne, Amy and Jeff Monday night. Mr.

and Mrs. Don Brown and Mrs. Lottie, Williams spent Monday Tallulah with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harris, Dickie and Timmy.

Melanie Hamilton, LSU freshman, Baton Rouge, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Hamilton, Nan and Clay, during the weekend.

Karen Lingo, of Dallas, Texas, spent the weekend at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lingo, Michael and Fred, her grandmother, George Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Lingo and Lindy Carl, who was Christened Sunday morning.

Mrs. DeWanna Womack, of El Dorado, was a guest in the First United Methodist church Sunday morning. Mrs. Womack is the artist who painted the portrait of Christ, which will be placed in the chapel of the new wing of West Carroll Parish Hospital. Visitors during the week in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. G. B. Allen and Mr. Zack Curry were Mrs.

Geraldine Easterling and children, of Ft. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Frith, of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Watts, of West Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whitaker, Dalton Curry, Mrs. Faye Ashley, Mrs. Shirley Harper and Cynthia, Mr.

and Mrs. Jim Miller, Mrs. Catherine Lee, George Boyte, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Allen, Danny and Cindy, Mrs.

Lottie Williams and Mrs. Irma Aultman. The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Gaston, Ken and Jim spent Sunday in Waterproof, where the Rev.

Gaston was pulpit guest of the First Baptist church for the morning and services. evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Abernathy visited her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.

H. 0. Valentine and her mother, Mrs. Josephine Jackson, of Vicksburg, Miss. Mr.

and Mrs. Marvin Lee spent Tuesday in Bastrop with Mr. and Mrs. A. J.

Sumner. Frank Brackett spent the weekend in Ruston with friends. Harles Creech spent Sunday and Monday in Stamps, Ark. Briggs By Mrs. L.

S. Davis Dial 428-2087 Mrs. Dell Wall, of Bethlehem community, visited Mrs. Lela Crowe Friday. Herman Davis, of Baytown, Texas, spent the weekend with Mrs.

L. S. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. John E.

Davis and family. Mrs. Joe Edmiston, Ricky, Ronnie and Tim were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mayo, of Jones, Saturday.

Mrs. Clyde Worth Lester, Renea and Lisa were visitors in Bastrop Saturday. Bill Womack returned home from the Veterans Hospital in Shreveport Monday. He was a patient there for two weeks where he had major surgery. Mrs.

Annie Lou Russell spent last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bond, of Webster, Texas.

Mrs. Maggie Dosher and Dosher were recent visitors of Harold Dosher who is a patient at the Confederate Memorial Hospital in Shreveport. Bautt, of Monroe, and the late Harry Wooding Bautt, of Bonita and Biloxi and Mr. and Mrs. Narvin Hersey Sawyer, of Mer Rouge.

She graduated from Oak Grove High school and Northeast Louisiana University where she is now attending graduate school. Miss Sawyer is a member of Phi Mu sorority. Mr. Costello descended from Mrs. Ida Wood, of Monroe, and the late Mr.

Wood and the late Mr. and Mrs. Heber Costello, of Oak Grove. He is a graduate of Kilbourne High school and attended Northwestern State University. He is engaged in farming near Mer Rouge where the couple will reside.

Letrice Cedatol, recent bride, honored at tea shower Sept. 22 On Saturday afternoon, September 22, Mrs. Letrice Cedatol, nee Miss Letrice Wactor, was entertained with a tea shower in the lovely home of Mrs. Willie Ruth Edmonson. Mrs.

Edmonson was assisted by Mrs. Fern Bardin, Mrs. Allen Wasson, Mrs. Cora Mae Davis, Mrs. Louise Blackwell, Mrs.

Louise Butler, Mrs. Tommie Hankins and Mrs. Emily Lee. Many friends came by at the appointed time to wish Letrice much happiness and to view the nice and useful gifts. The hostesses presented the honoree and her mother, Mrs.

Wilma Wactor, novelty corsages made of small kitchen items. They also presented Letrice a crock pot. The entertainment area was decorated beautifully with flowers and candles. Mrs. Reba Dawson presided at the guest book.

Refreshments of mints, punch, cookies and nuts were served by Miss Jan Edmonson, Miss Pam Blackwell and Miss Cindy Prevost. Attend Church Sunday YOUR PHARMACIST IS Before a pharmacist can dispense medicines in this state, he must pass an examination by the State Board of Pharmacy, demonstrating his qualifications to serve your health needs. When you have a prescription filled, you're putting it in professional hands. Two Registered Pharmacists To Serve Your Needs Gordon T. Smith Neil Smith Your Business WIll Be Appreciated GORDON SMITH Pharmacy DIAL 428-3212 OAK GROVE FOR EMERGENCY NEEDS DIAL 428-4756 WESTSIDE DE TRIPLE STO GROCERY MARKET LOCATED ON HWY.

2, WEST Prices Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday Frey All Meat (Frey-Furters) lb. Franks Frey Variety Pack Luncheon -4-oz. Meat STEAK. $149 USDA Grade A Fryers Kraft Sharp Shredded Cheddar Miracle "6-Stick" Lb. OLEO 2 for Betty Crocker Assorted CakeReg.

Each Mixes. for $100 Del Monte Cream 303 cans CORN 4 for $100 Del Monte Stewed 303 can Tomatoes Del Monte Whole String- 303 cans for Beans Del Monte -303 cans Spinach 2 for Crystal Wedding OATS lb. Quantity Rights Reserved Double Green Center Cut Pork Chops lb. $129 End Chops lb. $119 Del Monte Sweet-303 cans 3 for Kleenex 200-ct.

Tissue Detergent 16-oz. WISK Del Monte Tomato -300 cans 2 SAUCE 49 Star Kist 2 cans TUNA Hyde Park-100-ct. bags TEA 3- Minute 2 lbs. Pop Corn MOP GLO FLOOR SHINE CLEANER 32-oz. $110 We Honor Food Stamps Stamps on Wednesday.

The West Carroll Gazette from Oak Grove, Louisiana (2024)


The West Carroll Gazette from Oak Grove, Louisiana? ›

The parish consists of five incorporated towns, Kilbourne, Oak Grove, Forrest, Pioneer, and Epps. Oak Grove is the parish seat. West Carroll Parish encompasses 361 square miles, with which 360 square miles of land and 0.9 miles of water. Primary land use is agriculture and forestry.

What towns are in West Carroll Parish? ›

The parish consists of five incorporated towns, Kilbourne, Oak Grove, Forrest, Pioneer, and Epps. Oak Grove is the parish seat. West Carroll Parish encompasses 361 square miles, with which 360 square miles of land and 0.9 miles of water. Primary land use is agriculture and forestry.

When was West Carroll Parish founded? ›

West Carroll Parish (French: Paroisse de Carroll Ouest) is a parish located in the northeastern part of the U.S. state of Louisiana. As of the 2020 census, the population was 9,751. The parish seat is Oak Grove. The parish was founded in 1877, when Carroll Parish was divided.

What county is Oak Grove LA in? ›

Oak Grove is a town in, and the parish seat of, West Carroll Parish, Louisiana, United States. The population was 2,174 at the 2000 census.

How many cities are in Carroll County? ›

Carroll has eight incorporated municipalities: Hampstead, Manchester, Mount Airy, New Windsor, Sykesville, Taneytown, Union Bridge, and Westminster, the County Seat. Carroll County is located within the Baltimore–Columbia–Towson Metropolitan Statistical Area, which has over 2.7 million people.

What cities are in Carroll County in? ›

Who is the superintendent of West Carroll Parish? ›

Christy Boyte, Ed. D. - Superintendent - West Carroll Parish School Board | LinkedIn.

Who is Carroll ISD named after? ›

The district was named after B.E. Carroll who was the Tarrant County Superintendent of Public Instruction. The first Carroll School, known at the time as the Carroll Hill School, was completed in 1919 and served as the district's lone school until the opening of the new Carroll High School in the 1970–1971 school year.

Who is St Charles parish named after? ›

Created on March 31, 1807, St. Charles Parish was one of the original 19 civil parishes of the Orleans territory. The community was named in honor of Saint Charles Borromeo, who died in 1584.

What towns are in East Carroll Parish? ›

What cities make up St Landry Parish? ›

Municipalities and Communities
  • Cities: Eunice | Opelousas.
  • Towns: Arnaudville | Grand Coteau | Krotz Springs | Leonville | Melville | Port Barre | Sunset | Washington.
  • Villages: Cankton | Palmetto.

What towns are in St John the Baptist Parish? ›

On the west bank of the river lies the sprawling towns of Lucy, Edgard and Wallace. This area is primarily agricultural. Rows and rows of sugar cane cover the fields. The east bank has LaPlace, Reserve, Lions, Garyville and Mt.

What towns are in St Charles Parish? ›

St. Charles communities include Hahnville, Destrehan, St. Rose, Norco, New Sarpy, Des Allemands, Bayou Gauche, Boutte, Paradis, Killona, Luling, Ama, and Montz.


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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